Chapter Twenty-Six: Angry Dixon

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Please make sure to read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter! Lots of important information in this one :)


"For the last time, there are no walkers in there. We've been beating on the door for fifteen minutes; if they were in there, we would know," Glenn sighs, taking his hat off to rub his head.

"Glenn's right, you guys," I cross my arms turning to Daryl, Rick, and T-Dog.

"Fine. Let's go in," Rick says as he flings the door open. "Stay together and watch for walkers. Meet up back out here once you have what you're looking for."

Daryl and I walk in last and head over to the electronic department, our only light source being Daryl's flashlight. Daryl is holding up his crossbow as he walks, so I pull my katana out and follow him as he walks quietly. I'm trying really hard to pick up self defense skills, and I figure doing whatever Daryl does is the best way to learn.

"Batteries all we need?" He asks in a low voice as we come to a halt in front of the vast selection of batteries.

"Technically, yes, but I want to stop by the pharmacy too. Please?" I stick my bottom lip out, and Daryl rolls his eyes like he always does.

"Good thing I brought bags. Knew you'd wanna' go there," he smirks, tossing me two backpacks.

"You'd think an ultrasound machine would take special batteries, but really it only needs some nine-volts," I mumble as I grab most of the batteries, just in case we run out and I can't find anymore. I'm pretty sure Daryl is stocking up on batteries for the flashlights.

"Pharmacy is that way," Daryl points to the a pharmacy sign with his flashlight before leading the way over. I sheath my katana, knowing that I'll need both hands to grab everything.

The door to behind the counter is locked, which isn't a problem for Daryl, as he easily kicks it in. He holds the flashlight for me as I throw anything I can into my two bags. I'm honestly surprised that nobody has taken everything in this place already.

"Can you hold this bag while I get the rest of the supplies, please?" I smile, handing Daryl the first bag once it gets too full.

He sits his crossbow down to sling the bag over his shoulder so that I can go back to collecting medicine. As soon as I turn back around, though, I'm met by a member of the undead. The skin off of its face is half peeled off, drooping down past its chin as it bites at me.

A shriek escapes my lips as the walker grabs ahold of my hair and knocks me to the floor, landing on top of me. I use my hands to hold it up away from my face as the monster snaps at me, desperately wanting to sink its teeth into my pale skin.

Seconds after my back hits the floor, the walker's head snaps to the side and rolls off onto the floor, courtesy of Daryl's crossbow, as its body goes limp on mine. I immediately push the corpse off of me, and Daryl reaches a hand down to pull me up. He grabs my head in his hands, looking around my neck and arms to check for bites. Once he's realized that there are none, he wraps me in a hug and I allow my tears to fall.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that," I mumble as I shake my head. "I'll probably cry every time I have a close call with one, which I'm well aware is going to happen a lot."

"Ya shouldn't have to get used to it," Daryl scoffs, pulling back. "It was a mistake lettin' you come here anyway. C'mon, we're gettin' outta' here now."

"No," I pull my hand out of his grasp and pick my empty bag off of the floor. "I have to get the rest of this."

"Ya don't need it," he growls, grabbing my arm more forcefully and pulling me back towards the door.

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now