Chapter Eighty-Four: The Party

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Waking up next to Daryl, in a bed, in a house is different. It is very, very different than what we're used to, but I welcome it with open arms. Opening my eyes to see Daryl laying on our bed, shirtless with the sun shining on his face makes me smile harder than I ever have before.

"Good morning, sunshine," I smile once I see that he's already awake and staring at me.

"Morning," he mumbles, wrapping his hand around the back of my head to pull me closer to him and kiss me.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask, cuddling myself into his side. "Because I did. I slept all night, Daryl, like really slept. I haven't done that in months. Even at the prison I was awake, tossing and turning on those terrible mattresses all night."

"Yeah, me too," he says, wrapping his very-healthy arms around my small frame to pull me as close as possible. "I didn't even wake up early today. It's almost noon."

"We slept until noon?" I laugh in surprise. "We're usually up and moving by seven. It's amazing what a little rest will do for you."

"You ready to go face Pete again today?" He asks, ruining the moment. I could tell it was eating at him, though.

"I'm not going to," I decide. "I'm already late, anyway, so I'm just going to go and talk to Deanna. See if she'll let me work from home or do something else."

"That'll be good," he pushes himself out of bed, going to put on his clothes. "She still ain't given me a job yet."

"I'm sure she has something up her sleeve," I assure him, walking over to my closet to find something to wear. "Daryl, do you want to see what I used to look like? Like on a daily basis, before the turn."

"I dunno, do I?" He calls, and I smile.

"Yes, you do," I tease, walking out in jeans and a random shirt. "You'll see tonight, at the party."

"I ain't going to no damn party," he frowns at me. I know he's far from a social butterfly, but he needs to go. I want him to go.

"Yes, you are," I roll my eyes at him. "Besides, Beth is singing, and I know you love to listen to her sing."


"Oh, my god, Enid!" I exclaim, instantly running forward to wrap the young girl in my arms. We had never been that close, but I thought she was dead, and she is family.

"Beatrix!" She smiles, holding onto me as tight as she can.

"How long have you been here? How did you get here? Have you seen Carl yet?" My questions fly at her faster than she can keep up with. "Your mom and dad? Sister?"

"They didn't make it," her face hardens at the mention of them, which makes me curious, but I don't push. "I just found out you all got here yesterday. I saw Carl, but I think he's pissed at me. I kind of started a thing with Ron."

"Pete's son?" She nods and I roll my eyes. "Oh, please, Enid. Please do not leave Carl for someone like that. Carl loves you, and Ron is probably just like his father."

"Yeah, he is," she trails off, looking to the ground.

"I have to get back to the house and get ready for the party tonight, do you want to get ready with me, Maggie, and Beth?" I break the awkward silence from her answer about Ron, gesturing to where our houses are.

"I would love that," Enid instantly perks up, smiling at me.

I lead her over to our houses, telling her that she can wear something from my closet so we don't have to go to her house, that she shares with several other people. I also tell her that we'll speak to Deanna about getting her moved in with us, her family.

Zedler, M.D. // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now