Chapter One Hundred and One: The Kingdom

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•one hundred and one•


The Kingdom is lovely. We spent yesterday evening and last night talking to some of the people there, and they seem lovely, too. King Ezekiel sent us to bed, and we were put up in some very nice rooms. This morning, we all woke early and took a walk with Ezekiel.

He then told us his decision to not fight with us, to keep the peace with the Saviors, though I'm certain there can never be any peace with the Saviors. He also offered Daryl and me asylum. I think it's a very generous, very good offer, but Daryl seems to disagree.

Ever since the Sanctuary, he has been unusually angry. I mean, I understand it. I really do. It's hard to keep your cool when you think about Negan, especially about that night. Then, I can't even imagine what all Daryl went through while he was there. It doesn't seem like he's going to tell me any time soon, either.

I just feel so defeated. I don't know what he's feeling, and I definitely don't know how to help him. Maybe if he would talk to me it would be better. Maybe if I could get through to him it would be okay. The only thing is I have no idea how to get through to him. He seems so traumatized.

When it's time to leave the Kingdom, Daryl leads the way to the gates. He seems so eager to get out of here, for some reason, and it's almost like he doesn't even want to be near me.

"Open them up. We're out of here," Daryl calls to the guy watching the gates. He opens the gates for us before Rick turns to me and Daryl.

"You two aren't," Rick shakes his head, placing his hand on Daryl's shoulder.

"No way," Daryl disagrees, shaking his head no, but I simply listen.

"It's the safest place for you and the babies. Negan will never know you're here. The first place he'll look is Alexandria," Rick squeezes Daryl's shoulder before looking at me. "You okay?"

"I will be," I nod, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Tell Baxly and Beth I'm okay and that I love them."

"Of course," Rick pulls me in, kissing the top of my head as he hugs me tightly. "You two try and talk to Ezekiel. Stare him into submission if you have to."

"Please be safe," I say, moving from Rick to hug Carl. "And keep us updated. If anything happens, we want to fight."

They all nod at us before walking out of the gates. I reach down to grab Daryl's hand and squeeze it tightly as they shut the gates behind our family, leaving us alone in this strange place. I stand and stare at the wall for a while before Daryl pulls his hand away from mine.

"Daryl," I say, frowning as he walks away from me. "Can we please talk?"

"Don't need to," he mutters, still walking away from me.

"Daryl Dixon, you stop right now!" I finally lose it and scream at him, unable to hold it in any longer. I've been holding my emotions in for the past week and a half. I can't do it anymore.

"The hell's your problem?" He stops in his tracks, abruptly turning to me, and I almost bump into him. I definitely wasn't expecting that. "Huh? You gonna tell me or not?"

"My problem is you! We both just went through an incredibly traumatizing experience, and now you're acting like you don't even know me!" My voice cracks as I finally let the words out. "I know you're hurt, Daryl. I'm hurt too, but you can't just shut me out. I'm your wife."

"Oh yeah? Are you?" He takes a step closer, clenching his jaw as he looks down at me, his face full of anger.

"Of course I'm your wife, Daryl. I love you," I frown, dropping my voice as I watch the veins in his forehead start to pop out. I'm not sure I've ever seen him this angry with me before.

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