Chapter 7: Questionable Intentions

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'And... action!'

'Hello, people! It's episode three of Orrean Ambitions with me, Pofty! Last week we were with an aspiring Pokémon Professor, Lumir Hornbeam at the Pokémon HQ Lab. Lumir's back with us this week, because he's researching the never-before-seen Pokémon forms found in the bowels – literally – of Phenac City!'

Lumir looked a little nauseous when he nodded. 'Unfortunately.'

'If you live in Phenac, you'll know this week's star as your "sewer hero," but if you don't – you might recognise Amber Hawthorn Fayed as the only challenger to come close to defeating Champion Zane. Her fellow challengers continued their careers as Trainers, but Amber chooses to fight the waste you shouldn't flush! And what I think our viewers will find most surprising is that you don't hate your job, right, Amber?'

'Not at all! I've become, like, immune to the smell. It comes off when I shower. I'm well-paid and when we subject Pofty and Lumir to my "office," you'll see how I make even more money!'


Pofty and Lumir changed into thick, fluorescent overalls and hard hats in the ONBS tent. Amber removed a manhole cover. She felt like a cackling troll when Pofty emerged from the tent with a smile. Lumir knew what he was about to experience. The smell of the Krokorok they studied was enough to put him off ever going near the sewer.

Two cameramen climbed down the ladder first. Pofty's smile faded when she heard them spluttering and screaming, but there was no time for hesitation. The cameraman remaining on the street was filming again. Amber and Charizard went in. Pofty followed.

'Climbing into a manhole instead of an elevator sweeping you up to your office is for sure a way to mix things up! I feel like a secret agent...'

She sounded more like she wished she was an office worker. At least the cameras were on Amber and Pofty when Lumir nervously climbed down.

'Hey, lads! You're on TV!'

Curious Grimer waved on Amber's command. Pofty shrieked. A Venonant landed on her head.

'Aww, no!' one of the cameramen exclaimed, 'And that was such a great shot of the Grimer...'

It was no trouble for Amber to ask them to wave again. A mother Muk even joined them.

'These Pokémon get a bad rep, but my job would be, like, a million times harder without them. See this big wad of wet wipes here...'

Amber's red gloves held up a disintegrating blob of stained fabric.

'They're the bane of my life, but Grimer and Muk break them down into manageable chunks.'

The path running by the thick brown water was new. It only went so far before they had to climb into the water to advance. Amber picked up a broken P★DA.

'See? There's all kinds down here! If no-one comes asking for it, my husband cleans it up and we sell it or give it to charity.'

Pofty frantically searched her mind for further questions to put off getting in the water.

'I see an air freshener down there...'

'Right? I want to know who has these super-powered toilets that actually flush this stuff. Mine certainly won't... but electronics and spray cans are actually really common.'

'So what's the weirdest – or craziest – thing you've found?'

'Some silver Battle Frontier symbols from Hoenn. First I found the Spirits Symbol. Then a week later, one of my colleagues found the Tactics Symbol and one of these Grimer brought me the Guts Symbol. They can't digest those!'

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