Chapter 39: The Pickaxe Badge

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'That's it!'

The Gym Guide firmly grasped Theta's shoulders to steer her to the exit.

'I've had it with you. We've thrown you out once. Then you get your disqualification overturned to cut people's hair? What is wrong with y'all?!'

'I didn't cut anyone's hair!'

Rustie looked on the verge of tears. 'Please just forget about it and let us get on with our challenge...'

'No,' Chalcedony snapped, 'She's taken our hair to do a DNA test. What are you trying to prove?'

Zileh self-consciously felt her red pigtails. 'How much did she even take? I'm only just growing my hair back...'

The Gym Guide pulled Theta's scissors from her bag. There were clumps of everyone's hair but Dirk's around them.

'Get out. You have no respect for the Orre League or your fellow challengers. You clearly have ulterior motives. Maybe it's time to go back to science, since you're so intelligent.'

'It doesn't matter...'

'It does matter, Rustie.'

Chalcedony couldn't say in front of Theta that if Rustie was Fire Agate, she was in danger, because Theta clearly suspected one of them was... unless she knew something about Chalcedony's parents that she couldn't imagine. What would that say? That they were bad people no-one would want to be associated with?

'Um, Rustie says it doesn't even matter. She's the one I stole the Pokédex from. I so don't think Alfie Clan Peon Chalcedony gets a say.'

The Gym Guide refused to budge. 'You just cut off some of her hair! You know the Orre League's responsible for everyone's safety and fair play, right? We won't let bullying fly. What are you gonna do with that hair?'

'Why don't you take a close look at those scissors?'

A long name was scratched into the scissors. The blob of blue dye gave it away before anyone discerned Chalcedony's name. Doors scraped open behind them.

'That's insane!' Zileh exploded, 'You're trying to frame her! I've been with Chalcedony the whole time and you know what? She only carries what she needs because unlike you, trust fund brat, she grew up with nothing!'

'Um, that's hardly true. Look how much make-up she's wearing.'

'Sure. One eyeliner pencil takes up so much space. I have one, too! But I don't walk around with a DNA testing kit and neither does Chalcedony!'

Chalcedony glanced back. Sherman stood in the doorway. He shook his head at Zileh's out-of-context tone and the Gym Guide for failing to intervene.

'Oh, Pokémon League HQ Officer!' Theta exclaimed, 'I'm really so glad you're here! Look. This girl planted her scissors in my bag!'

'She – she didn't!' the Gym Guide stammered, 'I was watching! They came out of Theta's bag! She just cut off some of their hair! All three girls!'

'I saw it, too, sir!' Dirk agreed, 'I swear!'

Sherman frowned. 'It does seem a little strange that there are multiple reports of unsportsmanlike conduct from this Gym.'

'Can't we just be friends?' Rustie pleaded, 'I just want to get on with my challenge...'

'I think the solution's quite simple,' Chalcedony said coolly, 'Check CCTV and see Theta taking samples of our hair. Disqualify her for good. No more reports. Everyone will be happy, except her, but pro tip – if you don't want to be accused of unsportsmanlike conduct, don't attack people, or use Shadow Pokémon, or take DNA samples.'

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