Chapter 31: The One That Got Away

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As Lyndon offered his seat to the distraught woman accompanied by Professor Krane, Datan burst in from the residential wing. He was flustered.

'Director! Cipher...'

His eyes fell on the woman. Her eyes were turned, as if in shame, to the floor.

'Oh. Sorry.'

'No, Datan, it's OK. Just a moment.'

Jovi tried to coax the woman to sit down, but she was so distressed, she barely heard. Her baby began to cry.

'Do you have any idea what's happened to this poor lady, Professor?'

'She's come here because she doesn't know where else to turn. But that's all I know.'

Jovi glanced at Datan. 'Could it be anything to do with what you were about to tell us...?'

'Possibly... I don't want to upset her if it'll force her to relive it.'


Jade eyes locked with Jovi's for a moment before they flitted back to the floor. The woman had a half-Orrean, half-Galarian accent.

'I... I just... the cops won't listen... I couldn't get hold of the Gym Leader...'

'Which Gym Leader was that?'


'So you've come from Phenac? Did you drive?'

'No... I took a taxi...'

'Is there anything we can get for you or baby, by the way? Tea? Formula?'

'Th-thank you... really... but no... I just... I don't know where else I can go...'

'Are you from here?'

Hop knelt beside her. 'You sound Galarian. I'm starting to sound Orrean, but I'm Galarian too, if that helps.'

'No... I'm from Sunset City. But my mom is Galarian... I could go back to my parents, but they treat me like garbage and my whole life's here in Orre...'

'Can we ask what you're running from?'

'I... the cops just laughed...'

'We won't laugh,' Jovi assured her, 'I promise.'

Lyndon awkwardly picked up his backpack. 'I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable... so I'll just, uh, get back to Mt. Battle. Later.'

Jamal followed him out. Jovi gently squeezed the woman's hand, but she seemed too numb to feel it.

'What's your name, by the way?'


'That's a lovely name! The cops will laugh at anything they're too useless to handle. I'm sorry. But I won't laugh, Stella. I swear. If it's too much to tell us now, that's OK, too.'

'No... I should tell you, since I've showed up here... I'm...'

She blurted it out suddenly. 'My dad is stalking me. He followed me here from Galar, as soon as he was allowed to travel...'

Hop shuffled uncomfortably. Stella reminded him of someone who was indeed in Galar... or at least they were when he last heard of them. Jovi's mind pondered the combination of Galar and Sunset City. The accent. Was there any chance...? Surely not? Alfie would have told Abbey or even Lyndon he had another child... although maybe he didn't know until now.

'If that's who I think it is and he's stalking you, I'll go kick his ass like, right now. He should know better!'

'I appreciate that, Professor... but I really just want to ignore him. But I agree. He should know better, alright...'

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