Chapter 11: Talent Scout

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At least Chalcedony found Gateon Port's branch of Hexagon Coffee. She knew the barista, Bianka. They both attended Pyrite High School. Her Psyduck once one-hit KO'd Salandit. It was no surprise that she made it as far as Zane, but he must have been strong if she couldn't beat him. None of that stopped her misspelling her name as 'Charlie.' It happened wherever Chalcedony went. Yellosix called her 'Chase.' Once, at a gas station on the way to Unova, she was 'Charles.'

Bianka gave her directions to a laundromat. The washing machines looked and sounded questionable, but the forgotten bottle of luxury detergent she found under the bench would blast the smell out of their clothes.

Metal soles clipped the floor. A girl as pale as her clothes were deep black, with shimmering crescent moons clipped to her pile of dyed hair, emptied a backpack into a washing machine. She sat beside Chalcedony.

'Nice boots. And hair.'

The accent that replied wasn't Orrean. Was it Unovan? Chalcedony couldn't quite place it.

'Thank you. I like your boots, too. And your hair.'

'I'm what happens when you like blue as much as black.'

'Were you... in Unovan Idiot?'

Chalcedony blinked. Someone recognised her? From Unovan Idiot, not the strip club? Maybe she was one of the creepy Blue Night fans who followed anyone they hoped might be connected to the band... but she glanced at her phone like she had things to do.

'Yeah. In Sunset City.'

'I saw you. You were great.'

'Wow! It's a small world. Thanks! What do you do?'

'I'm a talent scout.'

'Oh... really?'

'Or an aspiring talent scout, at least... but there aren't many opportunities... or talented people... out here.'

'I think we've got our share of talented people. What we lack is the ability to promote them. But that's gonna be your job, right?'

'Yeah. If I ever make it, maybe I can get you somewhere.'

'What made you come to Orre, of all places? You're not from here, right?'

'I was dating an Orrean guy and got offered a job at ONBS, but...'

Her turquoise eyes scanned a text. 'Sorry. I have to go. Are you on Rotogram?'

'You can Roto-Search me. I'm the only Chalcedony Nedali.'

'Well, it was nice to meet you... Chalcedony. I'm Ruby Jane. Maybe we'll meet again some time.'

Chalcedony's laundry was washed and dried before Ruby Jane returned for hers. If she wanted to get anywhere near the entertainment industry, she too was chasing an unattainable dream as long as she was in Orre. Maybe Chalcedony should have pointed that out, or maybe she didn't need to. When Ruby Jane followed her on Rotogram, she saw that she already had 12,843 followers. Two more people followed Chalcedony purely because she did. Was there any chance she would 'make it' and give Chalcedony a chance? She seemed to be well on her way. Hoping was dangerous. Why don't I ever learn my lesson?

She didn't return immediately to the Pokémon Center. Just thinking about the Boltund to Unova made her crave a blast of fresh air, even if Gateon Port's sea breeze did carry a vague scent of fuel. Communal fishing rods were lined up on a pier. Chalcedony inserted a P200 bill into a machine to release one. A vending machine sold bait.

There was only one other person, an old man, fishing. Chalcedony sat on the opposite side of the pier. A Water-type Pokémon wasn't what she needed to take down Emili's Electric-type team, but it would certainly come in handy against Cassia, Justy and the Elite Four member who replaced Lovrina.

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