Chapter 77: Challenger Chalcedony Vs. Elite Four

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Chalcedony released Salazzle to exchange encouragement in the locker room, but there was no time. Cail beckoned her. He squeezed her shoulder as the elevator swept up.

'Good luck, kid. You show 'em what being from Pyrite's all about.'

Playing original songs to her Pokémon, let alone that one time she played one to other people at Mt. Battle, made Chalcedony unbearably nervous. This was a hundred times worse. Wyatt was watching. Ruhul and Hanila were watching... and if Eldes was her father, he was waiting for her. If Estefan was her father, he was watching, too. She saw his fluorescent yellow Barrera Burritos shirt. If Ruhul was wrong and Chalcedony wasn't Kleto's daughter, but Leden's, she was there with Lumir; as were Skord, Rezar and their mom, Ivyra. Kleto was the only person missing. Zileh making it to Zane intensified the pressure.

The technician managed to fix the elevator during Zileh's battle with Eldes. The Robo Groudon promptly cracked the doors again. Cameras abruptly panned to the crowd. The technician stuck his middle finger up at Chobin.

'Chobin is the name! And Chobin is the first and last Elite Four member you'll meet!'

Chalcedony's clammy hands held two scratched Poké Balls. She summoned her fiercest expression to throw them. Salazzle and Cinderace leapt lithely out. Chobin, or rather the Robo Groudon, sent out Sunflora and Tropius.

Salazzle used Nasty Plot. Its power was heightened. The crowd cooed at the Pyro Ball booted at Sunflora. It was splayed, weakly twitching, on the floor. Then it fell still. Tropius planted Leech Seed at Cinderace's feet. Chobin sent out Cacturne. Tropius was brutally scorched by Salazzle's Flamethrower. It collapsed. Cinderace charged at Cacturne. U-turn whacked it. Cinderace it returned to Chalcedony, tearing up Leech Seed. Cacturne fainted. Chalcedony sent out Salamence. Chobin sent out Sceptile and Jumpluff. The floor shook as Sceptile and Salamence Mega Evolved.

Sceptile fired Dragon Pulse. Salamence was momentarily winded before it hurtled down at Sceptile. Return slammed it to the floor. It weakly stood. Flamethrower set Jumpluff alight. It floated away from Chobin, unconscious. He sent out his last Pokémon, Sawsbuck. Sceptile's Dragon Pulse sent Salamence spinning back, but it regained its balance and pummeled Sceptile unconscious with Return. Flamethrower consumed Sawsbuck. It charged back at Salazzle, knocking it over with its own Return, but Salamence knocked it out on the next turn. Cail gleefully blew his whistle.

'Elite Four Chobin is defeated by Challenger Chalcedony!'

'Chobin lost... again... this is devastating to Chobin...'

Like Zileh, Chalcedony barely had time to think, let alone take in her win, before red smoke seeped from the elevator. Whatever distracted Courtney was absent from her eyes now.

'Deleting. '

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Courtney sent out Ninetales and Charizard. Chalcedony sent out Salamence and Umbreon. She didn't hesitate to hold up her Key Stone. Salamence roared into its Mega Evolution. It used Dragon Dance. Ninetales used Nasty Plot. Dragon Pulse erupted from Charizard's gaping mouth to strike Salamence in the stomach. Umbreon used Double Team. There was a murmur rather than applause. Both sides were setting up. It was impossible to tell who had the best chance of winning.

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