Chapter 76: Champion Zane

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Zane emerged from a cloud of blue smoke. He was beaming.

'You've made it all the way to the top! I bet your journey was totally different to mine. So show me everything you've learned! Show me how much you love Pokémon! Let's go!'

Zileh paused for a moment to take it all in. She was at the peak of Citadark Isle, facing the Champion who ended Michael's 16-year reign. When Zane's childlike grin turned to a focused frown, he looked suddenly older and intimidating.

'Out you go, Sylveon! Reuniclus!'

'We can do this, Crobat and Volcarona!'

Zileh could barely hear herself think over the roaring crowd. Even Dirk was no longer audible.

'Let's go! Crobat! Use Cross Poison! Volcarona, use Quiver Dance!'

Crobat slashed through Sylveon's feelers. It was poisoned. Volcarona's wings fluttered as it danced to heighten its power and speed. Crobat was struck brutally down by Sylveon's Psyshock. It tried to rise, but fainted. Reuniclus used Reflect. The ethereal barrier provided Zane's team with some protection against physical moves. Zileh sent out Gallade. She was afraid her trembling hands might drop her Key Stone, but she clung to it tighter than she realised.

Bug Buzz deafened Reuniclus. Gallade's Brick Break was ineffective against Sylveon, but it destroyed Reflect. Moonblast swept Gallade off its feet. It was limping when it clambered back up, only to be smacked straight back down by Reuniclus' Psyshock. It fainted. Zileh sent out Banette. Bug Buzz took Reuniclus out. Banette disappeared before it was hit by Sylveon's Shadow Ball.

Zane sent out Keldeo. Its glimmering sky-blue mane was distorted by Volcarona's Psychic. The utter conviction in the eyes of Zane's Pokémon was almost frightening. It was the first battle where Zileh felt her opponent's visceral bond with their Pokémon. Keldeo blasted Scald. Volcarona fell to the floor. Its wings fluttered and stilled. It fainted. Banette reappeared to slam Sylveon unconscious. Zane sent out his own Volcarona. Zileh sent out Vaporeon.

Keldeo shot Scald at Banette. It was burned. Volcarona used Quiver Dance. Banette disappeared once again. Another jet of searing hot water shot from Vaporeon to Volcarona. It shook it off. After Quiver Dance, it was faster than Keldeo. It latched on to Vaporeon. Giga Drain sapped its health and restored Volcarona's. Keldeo's Secret Sword slashed its skin open. Vaporeon fainted. Banette reappeared. It slammed into Keldeo. Water sprayed as its hooves skidded back.

Zileh sent out Forretress. She commanded it to explode, but it fell victim to Volcarona's Flamethrower before it got the chance. Scald blasted Banette unconscious. Cail knelt to check on it. His whistle blew.

'Challenger Zileh is defeated by Champion Zane.'

Zileh found herself suddenly exhausted. Her smile was weary as she looked up at the black clouds. When she looked back down, Zane held out his hand. There was no animosity in their handshake.

'That was super awesome! You're gonna challenge me again, right?'

'Maybe, one day.'

'You have to! You got way too far to give up forever. I'm looking forward to it!'

The nurse healed Zileh's Pokémon. Vaporeon padded after her to the locker room. She hugged it tight when it leapt into her lap.

'You did so, so well. It's too bad we lost, but I'm not that disappointed. We made it all the way to Zane. And we knocked out a few of his Pokémon!'

Cail saw that she needed no comfort. He returned to the battlefield. When Zileh took her seat beside Dirk in the challengers' box, her parents waved. They were both teary-eyed. They weren't disappointed. They were proud. Zileh waved back. She was proud of herself, too.

'Challenger Chalcedony, #18, is challenging the Elite Four.'

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