Chapter 18: Misguided Colleagues

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A bright morning as sweltering as ever shone over the Desert Lab. Signs warned students not to sit on their cars, or anywhere outside for too long, but they didn't listen; especially not the foreigners who weren't used to the sun. Amethyst was the only challenger awaiting registration outside the lab seized from Cipher and now used by the University of Orre. Deep underground was the Rock-type Gym. It was founded by Vana, an ex-Cipher Peon who once worked there and passed it on to Cassia, who everyone knew was Raihan's daughter because he never stopped posting about her on Rotogram.

The doors scraped open. A Gym Guide, whose uniform seemed to glitter, beckoned Amethyst. As she stepped in, a white car pulled up. Amethyst scowled. She could almost hear the Cipher Admin theme from the Gale of Darkness movie playing. Theta shoved past to register first. The Gym Guide's expression was cold.

'Go to the back. Line cutting might fly at the opening ceremony, but it doesn't at any of Orre's Gyms.'

'There are only two people here. It's so not like it really matters!'

Ein lingered in the doorway. His eyes were on Amethyst. She glared fiercely back. Theta thought she was some unstoppable tough girl, yet her daddy drove her everywhere and hung around to ensure she got what she wanted.

'You can go first. I don't think I'll be waiting too long.'

Theta didn't bother asking what that was supposed to mean, but she found out as soon as she told the Gym Guide her name. He looked like he was waiting for that moment.

'You've been disqualified, Ms. Gallego.'


Ein strode over. He almost knocked Amethyst to the floor as he barged past.

'Excuse me?'

'Haven't you received your letter?'

'No! I've been on the road! Like, duh! How have I been disqualified?!'

'Orre League Rules for Challengers, Section 3: Unsportsmanlike Conduct; Article 1: Prohibited Acts; Part (b) – deliberately violent acts, by challengers or their Pokémon, against other challengers, staff, Pokémon or, while registered as an Orre League Gym Challenger, civilians. Major violations of (b) result in immediate disqualification.'

'How dare you suggest my daughter committed an act of violence?! That's absurd! She was a victim of violence! That stripper brat set her hair on fire!'

Amethyst frowned. She spent a while with Chalcedony outside Phenac Stadium and followed her on Rotogram. She had no idea she was ever a stripper. How did Ein, who behaved as if he barely noticed anyone but Theta and Lovrina existed, know that? Either way...

'Chalcedony set her hair on fire after Theta kicked my tent so hard it tipped over with us in it, ripped it up, stamped on everyone to cut the line – when she arrived, like, 12 hours after us – fat-shamed Rustie and called me a "another bug-eyed Mesquite." And even after that she scratched and elbowed people to get to the front. I don't know what her problem is. But it sure ain't in the spirit of the Gym Challenge.'

'That's mere hearsay! What can you prove Theta did?'

'Reports from GPPD and Gym Leader Emili confirm she attacked Rustie Clark, Chalcedony Nedali and Dirk O'Reilly to steal Rustie's Pokédex. With Pokémon that potentially violate (a): use of Shadow Pokémon.'

Elevator doors slid open. Rock-coloured trainers stepped out. Cassia was as imposing as everyone said she was. At 6'2" she was taller than both Ein and Theta, even in her platform boots.

'Is there a problem?'

'Just ignore her, daddy,' Theta snapped, 'She's just one of the kids from the Alfie Clan. Like this little brat apparently is.'

Amethyst snorted. 'Alfie Clan? Are you serious?'

'I hardly know Alfie.'

Cassia shook her head. 'But like every Orre League Gym Leader and decent human being, I know abuse when I see it and I know it's wrong.'

'Exactly! I've never even met him! But since you're such a nice person, Theta, I can't help thinking it came from somewhere!'

'Yeah, right! Alfie played your nasty little dad in his biopic!'

'I don't really see any point in arguing with you...'

Cassia folded her arms. 'Since I don't have the power to overturn your disqualification even if I wanted to, which I don't.'

'Yes, you do! Emili got me disqualified! Along with that vile little Eldes!'

'Well, yeah? Emili went to Eldes because he's the League Chairman. She can't personally do anything. Anyway. You're holding Amethyst up. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.'

Theta and Ein didn't move. The elevator returned. The gangling man who stepped out had to duck to stop his huge, Poké Ball-shaped hairdo getting trapped. He was even taller than Cassia. He placed a portable stereo down.

'Well, well, well! If it isn't dear Ein. It's been quite a while.'

Ein glowered. 'Indeed it has, Miror B., or perhaps I should refer to you as the coward who fled while Evice, Nascour, Dakim and I served life sentences! How you dare innocently accept a job at a Gym – where you face impressionable children! – let alone show your face to me is beyond me.'

'Ein, darling, you are the one and only creator of Shadow Pokémon! Our misguided colleagues committed such terrible murders. Do you really think getting paid to dance in Pyrite Cave should carry the same penalty? That wouldn't do at all! And it won't do that you're bothering our Gym Leader, oh no. Go, or you'll give us no choice but to knock you aside with our elegant dance steps!'

'You and your cronies leave me with no choice but to insist the Orre League's blatant abuse of power is properly investigated. Every Herdier has its day and it is high time you take responsibility for your actions, Miror B., as the rest of us had to.'

Cassia tutted. 'Are you going or not?'

'We will leave. However, I will warn you... Theta is popular. This disqualification will not end well for you. I would suggest that if you value your job, Gym Leader... you make haste to Citadark Isle, or wherever it is Eldes lives.'

'Gimme a break!'

Amethyst stepped irritably into Theta's path. 'If you're so great – both of you – why don't you prove it?'

'I don't pick on children. Run on home, Mesquite. It's long past your bedtime.'

'Patronising this darling little potential dancer won't do, Ein,' Miror B. said, 'And it seems we have a little score to settle.'

Theta didn't share her dad's reluctance to appear as if they were picking on a child. No-one would ever be able to prove it. Sylveon's Love Ball was in her hand.

'A little hurt is so persuasive. We'll crush you both.'

Cassia offered to handle them instead, but Amethyst refused. Wes and Michael fought Miror B. as a Cipher Admin or wandering weirdo. Even Zane didn't battle alongside him. No-one saw his Pokémon, or had any idea how strong he was, outside of dancing these days... and whoever she battled with, she was determined to put Ein and Theta in their place.

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