Chapter 48: Arrested

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The challengers stayed to watch Rustie's battles. There was still no sign of Theta, but on the way to get popcorn, Dirk passed Ein and Sherman.

'...You can see, the entire place is a fire hazard.'

'The whole town is a fire hazard, to be honest. But that's not my problem.'

'I would argue that it is. Is this really a place young and vulnerable Trainers should be forced to visit to progress through the Gym Challenge?'

'All big cities can be dodgy. Take Wyndon–'

'This is not a big city. It's an off-the-beaten-track mining town that, quite honestly, should have been discarded along with The Under – and that is a different kettle of Magikarp. Why they rescued the place, let alone allowed a Gym to open there under the control of a "psychic," is beyond me. It is a known Cipher hotspot. I would know.'

'I understand that, Dr. Gallego, but I'm trying to be fair. The people who live in this place need it. They deserve their Gym if the Trainers are good enough to qualify for it. As do the people of The Under. It brings opportunities to places that wouldn't have them otherwise. Besides, lots of Gyms around the world are operated by very talented "psychics," including our Sabrina in Kanto.'

'The question is, however, if these Trainers should qualify to run a Gym. When my daughter finally escapes that sewer, you may think otherwise. In my opinion, the appropriate action would to be to move the residents to civilised cities and close the Gyms.'

'They don't see their town in the same way you do. They're proud of it. And they're proud of what they've achieved despite coming from here.'

'Case in point... this boy, a friend of the bully, has been listening to our entire conversation.'

Sherman glanced at Dirk. He was no actor. He tried to look as innocent as possible, but it wasn't convincing.

'I was just gettin' popcorn.'

'Oh. We met at the Desert Lab, right? How did you feel about this Gym?'

'It was great, sir. Cail's a tough nut to crack, so I felt really accomplished when I won!'

'And the Pyrite Cave challenge?'

'That was fun, too! Me and my bros got tons of experience, battlin' the Gym Trainers. I work out every day, so I had no trouble gettin' through the cave! Even if I fell in, I would've been good, other than the smell.'

'Dr. Gallego says Challenger Chalcedony pushed his daughter Theta into the sewer. Did you happen to see the incident?'

'I didn't, sir. But I heard the yellin' – and I know what Theta is like. She probably pushed Chalcedony.'

Ein scowled. 'If Theta had pushed that girl, she would be the one covered in sewage and prohibited from exiting the cave even for sanitary reasons.'

'It's dark in there. Easy to fall if you swing at someone and they duck.'

'OK. Well, thanks for your input, #94.'

'No problemo!'

Dirk hastily headed back to the box without popcorn. Rustie was battling Cail. Her team had changed and evolved. She now used Sylveon, Muk, Ampharos, Pelipper, Rapidash and Tangrowth. Sylveon was as devoted to her as Raboot was to Chalcedony. Dazzling Gleam flung Shiftry off its feet and into the stands long before it could explode. Honchkrow and Krokorok didn't fare any better. Her friends waited in the lobby to congratulate her, but Theta got there first. She threw her arms around Rustie.

'Oh, you so won't believe what happened to me!'

'Uh... well, I can smell it.'

'It's all because of that nasty little Alfie Clan Peon Chalcedony!'

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