Chapter 29: Escape

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'What in the world is going on?!'

Deck chairs were hastily folded up. Pokémon and children scurried inside. A few cars screeched away. It was rare that anyone heard Ardos get truly furious, but whenever he did, Sunny Shores Trailer Park suddenly looked like a post-apocalypse wasteland no-one dared approach.

'You are all useless!'

Theta, sitting between Ein and Nascour on the coffee-stained couch, glared back at Ardos. With badly-dyed black hair that encouraged a bald patch, he was a shell of the man who once manipulated his father, Greevil, to control an incarnation of Cipher that might have succeeded without Michael's interference.

'You really need some anger management classes, old man. You'd be so lost without us.'

'Might I remind you, child, that for all your claims of intelligence, I am the only member of Cipher capable of maintaining the signal that protects your Shadow Pokémon? That the blackouts you will come to rely on are my doing? That you'll be another failed attempt at Shadow Pokémon production to be crushed by another Mesquite if–?'

'OK, OK!'

Theta irritably stood with hands on hips. 'So you're sitting on all the shit Lyndon left behind like a greedy old dragon. But, um, maintain? You don't even know how to maintain your own personal hygiene because you're such a nasty little rich boy! This place is a biohazard!'

'Ein!' Ardos snapped, 'Control this child!'

Ein said nothing. He thoughtfully rubbed his chin as if he never heard Ardos. Theta continued.

'You're so all barking up the wrong tree, anyway. None of us know how to maintain that stuff. But we know he's a schizo. Just like his nasty little daddy. If we can manipulate one, why not the other?'

'You are delusional. Your mother caused far more trouble than she was worth. She will not seduce Wes Vincent. You will not seduce him. Nor will either of you seduce Massey.'

'You really are a nasty little old man. Isn't threatening what you do best? Isn't it all you can do? Threaten the grandson! Cameron or whatever his name is!'

'You seem to have forgotten, child, that we are here to discuss how in the world we lost P350 million.'

'Well, duh. That was stupid Nascour.'

Though Nascour worked with Ein since he was released from jail, he was as irritated by Theta as Ardos. Jovi was right that he wanted to end Wes, but he wasn't reckless enough to believe he could do so alone, especially at 89.

'Theta. How many times do I have to repeat what I went through to capture that Sandile? You really believe I let the payment slip through our fingers?'

'You're so going senile, Nascour. Obviously it was your fault, because it wasn't ours! We had, like, nothing to do with it!'

Ardos shook his head. 'Silence, child. I don't believe Nascour is to blame. The most likely culprit is that International Police hacker. The Kalosian boy. Le Blanc.'

'Or Lyndon Massey. Abbey's brat likes those vile little sewer creatures, after all.'

'Impossible. If a hacker within Orre is to blame, they work at your lab.'

'Well, since you're such a great hacker – your only talent other than threatening kids – you work it out!'

'I am not above admitting this person's ability surpasses mine. What I will do is ensure we are ready for them next time. However, I am certain someone within Cipher is to blame and if it is one of you, be assured I do not discriminate when disposing of threats to Cipher's survival.'

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