Chapter 37: False Alarm

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Skord and Rezar called Lyndon. He was about to leave for the day. Usually, he was helpful and in no rush, but he told them it could wait unless it was urgent. They cornered him in the lobby to tell him it was. He was anxious.

'Is it really urgent?'

'We think we've seen a Shadow Pokémon.'

'Oh... fuck's sake. Here? At Mt. Battle?'

'Yeah. A challenger – Rustie Clark – used it. It attacked Skord.'

Lyndon might have recognised Rustie if he saw her, but he didn't remember her name.

'Is she still here?'

'Yes. She's challenging Area 2 now.'

'In that case... I can't see auras anyway, so can I get someone who can to come look?'

'The Aura Reader didn't pick it up, for what that's worth...'

'OK. I'll send someone. I guess we'll learn something if we find out even gifted people can't see auras. I really have to go, like, now. See ya.'

'Thank you, Mr. Massey!'

Lyndon usually told them to use his first name. Formality annoyed him after being called 'Grand Master' for so long. He was in too much of a rush. Long before he met 55 year-old Courtney, she worried she would be that age by the time her first love, Maxie, admitted he felt the same way, so she froze eggs just in case. Maxie never did admit it, but then she met Lyndon. They both wanted children. Their attempts so far were unsuccessful, but they got as far as a 12-week ultrasound this time. Cipher cut his own father off from him. They cut him off from Trip. They would not get in the way of him attending that appointment.

Seth hitched a ride with Wes on his Ho-Oh to Mt. Battle. His mom, Rui, joined them just in case Cipher noticed she was alone at home. She was still recovering from being kidnapped and turned into a Shadow Trainer. Two sets of eyes were always better than one, too. They watched Rustie and Dirk's battle against Area 2's leaders from the break room. She wasn't using Raboot. Wes took the guide's radio to snap at the Area Leaders.

'We need to see that girl's Raboot. Knock out her Pokémon already.'

Rustie looked nervous when both opposing Pokémon piled onto Sylveon and then Bibarel, which evolved from Bidoof earlier that day. She sent out Raboot. Wes glanced at his wife and son. They both shook their heads.

'No aura.'

'At least Lyndon didn't miss that appointment for a false alarm.'

'Unless,' Seth said, 'Even we can't see these auras... since no current technology can.'

Wes frowned. 'That really doesn't come across like a Shadow Pokémon to me. Rui? What d'you think?'

'Me neither.'

'Just looks like it hates its Trainer... but her other Pokémon look happy enough. Don't think it's anything to worry about.'

Seth shrugged. 'You guys would know. Guess it was a false alarm.'

'I'm gonna say something really shitty now, so you can make fun of my coat and face paint in response, Seth...'

Wes smirked at himself. 'Rezar and Skord are sweet kids, but they're such little rich boys, everything shocks them.'

'I'm a little rich boy, Dad.'

'Yeah, but I was a total dick and made you get life experience.'

'I guess I won't argue with that. Being in the Elite Four sure beats the Boltund call centre.'

Chalcedony and Zileh were in the lobby when they left. Zileh's eyes widened. She whispered. Chalcedony nudged her. When she didn't move, she stood to approach Wes for her.

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