Chapter 51: Torture

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Ruhul only saw that one woman when he was carried out. The rest of the prisoners, as far as he could tell, were men. Some still wore lab coats. They must have been disgraced Gallego Labs scientists. Theta slapped Ruhul when his eyes wandered.

'Answer me!'

'You won't kill me. You obviously need me. Or you wouldn't have kidnapped me, would you? You sure wouldn't be questioning me.'

'I won't kill you yet... but I will so have to hurt you if you won't be a good boy and do what I ask.'

'What do you even want?'

'That daughter of yours is really very nasty. She so does horrible things to other people!'

'Chalcedony treats people like she wants to be treated herself. And she'll say that if she's a dick, she wants to be treated as one. So if you're a dick to her... yeah. You'll know it.'

'Um, no. I think you really don't know her very well! She's so a member of this terrible group, the Alfie Clan.'

'The what now?'

'It's Alfie Addison's new Cipher! But it's so, like, a million times worse! Because it's so like a cult!'

'Sorry, but when you have a prison under your lab, anything you say is hard to believe.'

Theta swivelled on her chair to revive a sleeping computer. She clicked through files to a video. It showed 'proof' of the existence of the 'Alfie Clan,' from the photos from Lovrina's apartment to the marathon numbers that supposedly spelled 'clan.' Someone else might have been fooled by the grainy video of Alfie addressing his 'followers' at one of his small gigs, but Ruhul endured endless hours of his movies as Chalcedony grew up. He knew it wasn't Alfie's voice.

'What do you expect me to do? Pretend I believe you?'

'You are so being a silly Mareep if you don't see it. I mean, really!'

'So I'm a Mareep. Now what?'

'I so don't like your tone, old man. Are you really going to force me to punish you?'

'You can punish me 'til the Miltank come home. I'll still think your video's Tauros shit. And quite frankly, I don't even care. I'm a construction worker. Not a hero.'

Theta's nails scraped her chair as her fists curled.

'Your other daughter so works in an elementary school in The Under. You so wouldn't want anything to happen to her or her students. I'm sure you're not that silly, old man.'

'Am I missing something here? Why's it so important that I buy your "Alfie Clan" nonsense? So I go out and spread it? Do I look that stupid?'

'Um, no. You so don't get it. I'm trying to tell you – and it's so for your own good, you know! – that your daughter is really a nasty little girl.'

'I'll never believe you, but so what if she is? What do you want me to do about it? She's an adult.'

'Um! If your nasty daughter killed someone, would you stand up for her? I so don't think so, because you're not stupid, are you, old man? What if you had a son? Would you stand up for him if he raped someone?'

'No, but I guess you would? Since you're a carbon copy of your mom.'

'Um, no! You brainwashed old man! My mom so did not abuse anyone. That's why Alfie is such a terrible guy! He is so the abuser himself. But he so has that gullible man, Leon, behind him because they are so having threesomes. Bisexual people are really too much trouble.'

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