Chapter 32: Applause

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The young challengers were a little awestruck to see the Mt. Battle Master in person. Chalcedony was awkwardly aware he was her idol's son. She hoped she wasn't staring at him too much, but his eyes were on Verzant, who looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

'Gosh. You don't have to creep up on me like that.'

Jazlyn's cheeks were pink. She, too, looked like this encounter was unbearably awkward for some reason. Lyndon seemed to understand why.

'Well, well, well.'

'You sound like a villain, Lyndon.'

'I am the only decent villain Orre's ever seen.'

'I don't have it in me to call you a conceited jock anymore.'

'Good. I'm too busy to punish you.'

Jazlyn's eyes were wide. Dirk glanced at his friends to silently ask if they were interpreting this bizarre interaction in the same way he was. Lyndon smiled as if he hadn't said anything out of the ordinary.

'I'm glad you're safe. But I guess Ardos and Nascour will be chasing you.'

Axley nodded. 'I told them they're welcome to stay here for now.'

'Of course. I have a spare bedroom, if you need it. I'm sure Lyric would enjoy Camden's company. But for now... come with me.'

That sounded ominous. Everyone knew it wasn't, because Lyndon was yet another Cipher member who thought he could turn the syndicate around for the better, but he still scared the challengers a little. Verzant and Jazlyn followed him into an office. Axley smiled.

'He's simultaneously cool and terrifying, right?'

Rustie nodded. 'You can say that again...'

'He's a caring guy underneath it all, though. He really worries about Verzant.'

'Anyone else's gaydar going off right now?' Dirk asked, 'Mine sure is...'

Chalcedony laughed. 'What? No. I'm just feeling like a creep because I know he's Alfie's son.'

'I kinda want to ask for his autograph,' Rustie said, 'Not because of that! Because he's the Mt. Battle Master! But I don't wanna be weird...'

'Just ask!' Axley insisted, 'He won't mind. Not at all. I'm sure he'll come talk to you guys, since you're challengers, once he's done in there.'

Lyndon handed Verzant and Jazlyn two passports, driving licenses and a pile of documents. They were for a nonexistent couple, Darian and Devyn Carr.

'But,' Jazlyn stammered, 'If these two don't exist – isn't someone gonna find out?!'

'They do exist, according to the Orrean government... which really needs better online security. I should tell them, but I'll probably want to hack them again, so I won't. I'll take that car back for you. Rent – or buy – another one with your new passports.'

Verzant's mouth opened and closed. Jazlyn nudged him.

'Say whatever you want. I already know. And I bet Courtney knows. Right, Lyndon?'

'And Amber's halfway there. My dad didn't even have to try to figure it out. He said it was blatantly obvious.'


It was rare to see Verzant struggling to find words. 'Are you really doing all this because you feel sorry for me? Because we were friends once? Or because we were more than friends and you think about it as much as I do?'

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