Chapter 15: Passion of the Desert Sun

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Jovi returned to find the Pokémon HQ Lab being searched. Officers checked the Pokémon living and being researched there were properly cared for. Lab coats piled up on the reception desk. The scientists were searched, too. It was the most thorough search by Orrean cops that Jovi had ever witnessed, yet they clearly weren't entirely sure what they were doing. They had no equipment or even knowledge to judge a Pokémon's wellbeing.

'Ma'am, we need to speak to the Director.'

'Professor Mesquite is the Director.'

Krane, the previous director who passed his title on to Jovi, shook his head.

'I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. You're yet to actually tell us what you're looking for. Perhaps we can help you if you do – since I'm sure whatever it is can't be found here at the Pokémon HQ Lab.'

A junior officer glanced nervously at the Laztaz County sheriff, Jusk. He brusquely approached Jovi.

'We've received several complaints about your lab promoting Cipher.'

Jovi blinked. She counted to 10 in her head. Her tone was still sharp.

'Sir. I've lived through every Cipher incident, as has Professor Krane and my mom, Dr. Lily Mesquite. Ardos killed her husband and my father – something the police never put as much effort into solving as you have into searching my lab today. This lab exists because Professor Krane wanted to honour my father's passion for Pokémon and justice.'

'But ma'am, you've employed Ardos Luvaro's son.'

'Lumir and his mom have lived under the shadow of Ardos since the day she was duped into marrying him. He burned down her bakery, emptied its bank account and ran off with her life savings. The police never looked this hard into that, either.'


'I can forgive kids who live in fear of Cipher judging Lumir, but you should be above that. Please treat him as a human being separate from his estranged father unless you have good reason to believe otherwise.'

'Ma'am, we do have good reason to believe otherwise. The concerned citizen who first complained provided us with a photo of Ardos hiding out here.'

Counting to 10 again didn't do Jovi much good. How could anyone accuse her – after her entire family and their colleagues devoted their lives to enriching Orre and fighting Cipher – of protecting the man who killed her father?

'If Ardos is anywhere on these premises, I assure you everyone working here is unaware and, along with the rest of Orre, would appreciate you finally arresting him.'

'Might I suggest,' Krane added, 'That you investigate the trailer park where Dr. Verzant Robel has repeatedly complained about Ardos impersonating him in a neighbouring trailer?'

'The thing is, sir – if this lab is complicit in promoting Cipher, Verzant's a Cipher Admin. He's gonna distract us by claiming that. Cops have checked the trailer and it's empty.'

'What proof do you have that he's here?!'

Jovi cut Jusk off. 'Please show me the photo.'

He took out his P★DA. A Laztaz County Police Department app struggled to load. He frowned.

'No signal...'

Jovi wanted to roll her eyes. Why hadn't he saved the photo if it was so important?

'If you'd like to connect to our wi-fi, it's the fastest in Orre.'

Datan, their 'computer guy,' nervously peered out of the office behind Krane.

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