Chapter 59: Lookalike

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Rustie was nervous. Zileh and Chalcedony battled Willie before her. They both won. If they could do it, surely she could? They all put the same amount of time and effort into training in The Under. She never idolised Willie specifically, because she was awed by all of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four, but he was still her hometown Gym Leader. She attended many of his battles as a child. He was so relaxed when he strolled onto the battlefield that it was hard to stay anxious.

'Oh, hey, Rustie! Ready to roll? I sure am!'

'As ready as I'll ever be...'

'Then let's roll! Yeehaw!'

'Go on, Muk and Pelipper! You can do it!'

It only occurred to Rustie then that those two Pokémon, who'd been with her since Gateon Port, were both considered vermin. That gave them all the more reason to want to win. Willie sent out Linoone and Dodrio. Muk was paralysed by Dodrio's Tri Attack. Wood snapped as Linoone burrowed under the creaking floorboards. Rustie predicted Dig. Pelipper shot Ice Beam at Dodrio. Muk lunged. Ice Punch knocked it out.

Willie sent out Girafarig. Linoone burst from its burrow to whack Muk. The slime that stuck to it poisoned it. Girafarig blasted Muk with Psychic. It was difficult to tell if Muk was hurting under its slime, but Rustie knew it was. Pelipper used Tailwind. The whoosh of warm air that swept through the colosseum propelled Rustie's Pokémon forward and slowed Willie's down. Muk slammed Linoone down with Brick Break. Pelipper, sped up by Tailwind, knocked Linoone out before it could Dig again. Muk was still too sluggish in paralysis to move faster than Girafarig. Psychic knocked it out.

Rustie sent out Rapidash. Willie sent out his last Linoone. Rapidash charged at Linoone in a whirl of flames. It was knocked to the floor and burned. Pelipper blasted it with Scald. It staggered back to burrow into the hole its teammate left. A bolt of electricity abruptly struck Pelipper. Rustie winced. The last she read about Willie, his Girafarig didn't know Thunderbolt, but any good Gym Leader swapped moves around. Pelipper fainted. Rustie sent out Sylveon.

Rapidash crashed into Girafarig with Flare Blitz. The crowd roared in excitement at Sylveon's dazzling Moonblast. Girafarig fainted. Linoone sent Rapidash staggering back when it darted from the burrow, but it stayed on its feet. Tailwind petered out. Linoone summoned a great wave that splattered the crowd. It crashed down on its opponents. Rapidash fainted, but Sylveon was yet to dazzle with another Moonblast. Linoone went down. Michael's whistle blew.

'Challenger Rustie wins!'

'Awesome!' Willie exclaimed, 'And so awesome that I got to battle two Trainers from Nascott today. You've made it all the way across Orre and back home again. Here's the Road Badge for proof!'

Willie hugged Rustie when her eyes welled up upon accepting the Badge.

'You go on and give Dirk a run for his money at Citadark Isle!'

Rustie's brothers waited with her friends and Dirk's family in the lobby. They all hugged her tight. Winchester ruffled her hair.

'I'm proud of you.'

He turned to her friends. 'Lunch is on me if you wanna celebrate before you take on the Big Ditch.'

They didn't stay to watch Ardine's or Jet's battles. Dirk's family joined them at Nascott City's famous Barrera Burritos. Ronda tried to pay, but Winchester rammed his credit card into the machine before she could. When the waitress delivered their food, everyone was startled by exploding party poppers and Badge-shaped confetti.

'Congrats on beating our Willie!'

Other customers clapped. Dirk's mom and Winchester glowed with pride. Only Zileh noticed a woman arguing with the manager over supposedly cold food. She kicked Chalcedony.

'Chalcedony! Look!'


'The manager! He's, like, your twin!'


Rustie glanced nervously up at the swinging doors. 'Speaking of long lost relatives... Zileh...'

Zileh's eyes widened. She dived under the table. Rustie pulled off her hoodie to throw it over her. Even without his ridiculous white bodysuit and loincloth, there was no mistaking the Bewear of a man that was 6'6" Dakim. His explosion of spiked hair was mostly grey, but it was still streaked with fiery red. A Poké Ball necklace clattered. Other customers noticed. The woman arguing with the manager backed off. Chatter died. It was as if everyone expected Dakim to throw another Geodude, but he bought a takeaway burrito and left. When chatter resumed, it was hushed. Ronda nudged Zileh.

'He's gone, sweetie. Oh, now he's really gone. He just got on the bus.'

Zileh crawled out. 'Dad did text me to say he got out about a week ago... but it only took, like, two days for him to throw a Geodude at Willie and go back in last time. I'm surprised he's lasted this long.'

Lauri couldn't help giggling. 'Why did Willie deserve a Geodude to the head?'

'It was in the news,' Houston said, 'Apparently he somehow missed the formation of the Orre League while he was in jail. He got home, saw a Gym Leader and lost his shit.'

Rustie's eyes were on the manager. 'You really do look like him, Chalcedony.'

His grey hair looked like it was once darker than hers, but he did share her green eyes, cheekbones and olive skin. She looked up his name. Estefan Barrera. He was 67. If she'd ever heard that name before, she didn't remember, but maybe she forgot. After all, she had no reason to wonder who she was related to until Ruhul blurted it out.

'Imagine,' Zileh whispered, 'If that's your dad right there!'

'That would be... random.'

'He's really nice,' Rustie said, 'I'm sure he'd want to know you, Chalcedony. If it's him, of course. But looking at him... I want to say it must be.'

Dirk had to agree. Zileh stood. Chalcedony pulled her back down before she could leap out at Estefan.

'Don't just ask him!'

Jimmy Lee spoke for the first time. 'He's Amos Barrera's kid. The actor.'


Zileh's eyes lit up. 'Estefan confirmed! That's where you get your acting from, Chalcedony! We were thinking about Michael and Eldes and wondering if Jude Mesquite was alive in a Cipher jail somewhere, but your dad's right here! In a burrito bar!'

'That waitress, Gala, is his daughter,' Rustie added, 'So if, just if, we're right... she's your sister. She doesn't look as much like you, but I don't know what her mom looks like.'

'But Estefan is 67. That means he was 46 when I was born. Gala is at least a few years older than me. Was I the unwanted product of an affair, or what?'

'Maybe he doesn't know you exist? I guess looking for adoption records is no use if he didn't sign the birth certificate...'

'This is wild!' Lauri gushed, 'Can I help you look for your parents, Chalcedony?'

'I mean, yeah, but I have no idea where I'm gonna find them at this point. I thought they might see me on TV and recognise me. But I've battled at four colosseums now. Even our battles with Cassia were televised. They're either not watching, don't have a clue I exist, or they don't give a shit.'

Iylene nodded. 'I'm with y'all who think it's Estefan. Even if he's not your dad, Chalcedony, you gotta be related. His granddaughter, maybe? I tell ya what – we'll do some diggin' while y'all are in the Big Ditch. By the time you get to Eclo Town... maybe we'll know who your parents are!'

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