Chapter 64: The Palm Badge

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Phenac Stadium's lobby was refreshingly cool. Water as clear as the morning outside cascaded from the roof into the pools surrounding the registration desk. Amethyst joined the line. Meeting her there as they did at the beginning of their journey was coming full-circle for Rustie and Chalcedony, but she was as distracted as they were. They pondered who would tell Justy. Chalcedony decided it had to be her. If she risked her own safety by telling him in front of thousands of people, maybe Wyatt would realise she cared.

Dirk faced Justy first. Chalcedony was nervous. When the doors shut and the Gym Guide was out of earshot, Amethyst whispered.

'Psst. Chalcedony. You knew Wyatt, right?'


'Just a little,' Zileh added, 'Not like they were engaged or anything.'

'That's what I heard. Listen. I snuck in to the last Orre League meeting with Jovi's key card. There's a prison in the basement at Gallego Labs. Wyatt's in there. They're not doing anything about it because they're worried about some "weapon" Cipher have, but I mean... do you save one or the many? How do you decide who deserves to live? Wyatt's gonna die if we don't do something.'

It seemed impossible that Michael's daughter couldn't be trusted. Chalcedony and Zileh had forgotten Fateen's warning about a 'deceiver.' Zileh nodded.

'Exactly! We can't just leave him there. Chalcedony will never forgive herself!'

'I've seen the thermal imaging scans. There's only a skeleton security crew there at night. If we're quick, we'll get everyone out before reinforcements arrive.'

'Everyone? There are multiple people down there?'

'Yeah. I do have one other person who's willing to help me... her name's Stella. Her cousin is in there.'


Rustie nervously pulled at the hem of her shirt. 'Cipher have actually managed to frame the Pokémon HQ Lab... what if we fail and that adds fuel to the fire?'

'If we can beat Justy... I don't think we'll fail.'

Applause exploded around the battlefield. When Dirk told Jet he would shut Justy down before he could pull any tricks, it was clear he wouldn't be able to, but he was strong enough now. He returned to his friends clasping his final Badge.

'Challenger Chalcedony!'

There was no time to ask her friends if she shouldn't tell Justy after all. Her mind was so addled now that the only way she could avoid showing it was to focus on her battles. After all, it was exciting that she made it to Orre's final Gym. Amethyst was right. If they could defeat all eight Gym Leaders, Cipher would be no match for them.

Every seat was filled. No-one wanted to go to the bathroom. They didn't want to miss a second of the five challenges they would see that day. Most people waved Justy banners. What surprised Chalcedony most were the few banners supporting the 'Fantastic Four,' which was apparently her, Dirk, Rustie and Zileh. The applause was deafening when she defeated the fourth Gym Trainer. Justy waved as he strode out onto the battlefield.

'Hello! I'm Justy. The last Gym Leader standing in between you and Citadark Isle. Challenger Chalcedony, will you accept my challenge?'

'Well, that's why I'm here.'

'OK! Let's get this battle under way! Show me a great battle!'

'This is it, Salazzle! Salamence! Let's go!'

There was a murmur of surprise. Even inexperienced Trainers knew Salazzle was a terrible choice to take on a Ground-type specialist. Chalcedony was yet to fix her Key Stone to a bracelet or necklace, but she held the iridescent stone high over her head. Salamence held the Salamencite. Excitement boomed through the stadium as it became Mega Salamence. Everyone, even people who didn't bother with the rest of the Gym Challenge, watched these internationally televised battles against Justy. If Eldes was her father... he would know she received and appreciated his gift.

Salazzle used Taunt. Sandslash could no longer use Sandstorm. Salamence used Dragon Dance to heighten its attacking power and speed. Gliscor created illusory copies of itself with Double Team, but Salazzle's Taunt stopped it going any further on the next turn. Salamence hurtled into Sandslash. Return, fuelled by its love for its Trainer, rammed its opponent so brutally into the stone floor that it left an imprint. Sandslash fainted.

Justy sent out Probopass. The crrrack when Salamence swiped at it with Brick Break was stomach-churning. Even with its Sturdy Ability, it looked about to faint. Justy knew now that attempting to use a status move was risky. He commanded Probopass to use Rock Slide instead, but before it could, the remnants of its energy were consumed by Salazzle's Flamethrower. It fainted. Gligar burrowed under the floor's stone slabs. Justy sent out his last Pokémon, Cacturne. It was destined to fall victim to Salamence's powered-up Return. The crowd roared as it toppled and fainted. Gliscor was still underground. Salazzle's Flamethrower missed. It shot back out under Salazzle's feet. It was a critical hit. Salazzle fainted.

Chalcedony sent out Cinderace. Her fastest Pokémon could finish this before the Taunt wore off. Salamence slammed Gliscor to the floor. Before it could rise, it was booted off the battlefield and into the surrounding water by Pyro Ball. The referee, Emili, blew her whistle.

'Challenger Chalcedony wins!'

Chalcedony couldn't resist hugging her Pokémon tight before she returned them. They did it. Justy shook her hand with giddy disbelief.

'Gosh! I haven't been destroyed like that since Cassia! That was incredible. I'll never forget our battle. Thank you!'

He reached into his pocket for the glittering Palm Badge. 'Here you go. Proof you triumphed over the Orre League! All Pokémon, even those you get in trades, will obey you now. I'm not happy I lost, of course, but I'm so happy I got to battle you! Even if that loss was a little embarrassing...'

'Well, I used to be a stripper. I've had my share of embarrassing moments on stage. Let's battle again one day.'

'I'd be honoured. Here – take these.'

He passed her a pouch of Berries. 'They'll come in handy on Victory Road. Wow! Champion Zane's got his work cut out this year. I can't wait to see your battle!'

He took Chalcedony's hand to hold it high over their heads.

'Let's hear it for #18! Challenger Chalcedony is going to Citadark Isle!'

Zileh squealed and rushed at her before she ran off to face Justy herself. Dirk clapped her on the back. Rustie hugged her.

'I can't believe it, Chalcedony... it's not that long since we were total newbies starting out here... and now look!'

Chalcedony felt like together with her Pokémon, she could do anything. She wasn't afraid of Ein or his minions. Even if Amethyst changed her mind, or Zileh lost to Justy and Dirk's car broke down to stop him driving out to the lab, Chalcedony and Salamence were flying there as soon as it got dark.

And this time it's not to get one-up on you, Wyatt... it's because I love you.

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