Chapter 81: The Missing Daughter

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Orvil, the young GPPD officer, arrested Fein before he made it to his 'Alfie Clan' rally. It was too late for public opinion. Multiple people believed they were assaulted or had cars blown up by Alfie. Fein looked so insignificant without a disguise that it was impossible to imagine he could impersonate anyone.

The Cipher Peons on standby in Phenac City's sewers finally got their fill of excitement when the Grand Master joined them. It would soon be time to move. Nascour was about to spill the beans. Ardos was confident it would be too late. The heroes were busy looking for Shadow Pokémon. They were yet to approach the airport, which gave Cipher time to surround it with their soldiers.

Like Nascour, Ein served his purpose. He didn't tell the Grand Master he was going to kill Chalcedony, but it evened out Randal's unexpected treachery. Ardos thought Randal was stupid and evil enough to return to Cipher even after his miserable years in jail, but since the day his cell door shut, he was never on Cipher's side. He never intended to kill Alfie. All he did was relay everything he knew to him. The arrival of that group from Galar could have been fatal. Now, as Fateen warned, four of the most powerful Trainers – Alfie, Abbey, Leon and Lyndon – were preoccupied with Fire Agate. Even the others were distracted by it. Victor was with Peonia and everyone around Eldes couldn't stop worrying about Rustie.

The thousands of fans at Citadark Isle were hidden in the safety of the hotel. Dirk and Zileh joined the Elite Four and Zane to guard it. Chobin's machinery went into overdrive to ensure Cipher couldn't reach the isle, but when the Gym Leaders returned to the mainland, they didn't know that over 100 Cipher members were amongst the crowds. Some were sent there. Others genuinely went to watch the battles and were called to attention.

Another Charizard landed outside the hospital. Lyndon arrived with Janie. It was as surreal for her as anyone else that her granddaughter – and Jude's granddaughter – was alive after all. There was something, however, they needed to find out before Cipher did.

'Fire Agate! That was you singing in Gateon Port! You reminded me so much of Alfred. It brought me to tears! You must play that song to your dad!'

'Thanks. Sadly a Cipher member has probably pocketed the P5,000 you gave me.'

Chalcedony was beginning to feel unwell from the sewage she ingested. It seeped into her wounds before it was washed off. She still watched Lyndon tapping away at his laptop with a curious and incredulous smile that reminded them all of Amber.

'OK, Grandma... where was she born? When?'

'Harbor Medical Center. In Gateon Port. May 8th.'

Abbey smiled wearily. 'That's just five days before Amber's birthday.'

'And I don't really want to know, because I know it's going to be a weirdo, but who's the daddy? Did he sign the birth certificate?'

Alfie grimaced. 'I don't think I want to know, either...'

They rushed to the airport so abruptly upon receiving the message from Ruby Jane via Randal that they were still in their Battle Tower outfits. Alfie had run out of cigarettes. His Pokémon and Abbey didn't mind. They hoped he might forget he started, but Ruhul was a smoker, too. He shared his with his 'unofficial brother.'

'I'm going to tell you a potted version of the story first, because I know you're already judging me. Jude had been married to Lily for nearly 10 years. I was married to a wife-beating loser. I forgot what being loved and enjoying sex were even like. And when I met Dakim–'

Alfie groaned. 'Fuck's sake. I knew it. What was his pick-up line? "Heeeey, sexy lady! Cipher loincloth style!"'

'Well, he wasn't openly a Cipher member or wearing a loincloth then! Or that awful face paint. And he was the opposite of Jude. I know he did some terrible things, but he adored me and actually treated me well. I couldn't have known he was a Cipher Admin.'

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