Chapter 8: The Pendant

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At Sunny Shores Trailer Park, an engine rumbled. The white car reversed. It departed in the direction of Gateon Port. A door slammed.

'They're gone.'

It was a Hariyama who seized Chalcedony. Its grip relaxed. Zileh twisted free of a Lopunny's surprisingly strong arms. The airport cleaner let go of Rustie.

'I'm so sorry. But you didn't want those creeps to see you.'

A woman, holding an angry-looking two year-old, stood beside him.

'Y'all OK?'

Zileh was trembling. Rustie was still stunned. Only Chalcedony kept enough composure to speak.

'The fuck? But are you...?'

'I guess you recognise me from "Cipher Admin and failed politician Verzant Robel goes mad," not my political career?'

'Bit of both. But what the fuck is going on? Were they visiting Ardos?'


The woman, who must have been his ex-Cipher Peon girlfriend Jazlyn, shushed her.

'His windows are open. Where are y'all headed?'

'Gateon Port. Well, the airport, to get to Gateon Port.'

'But,' Zileh stammered, 'Those two really are out there...'

'I know your mom probably told you to stay away from strangers, but I wouldn't want my kid walking to the airport at this time with them around. You wanna sleep on our floor?'

Chalcedony saw no reason not to trust them. They were desperately trying to alert people to Ardos and it was clear they would let them go if they wanted to. She was also intrigued to learn more.

'I'll stay. If you're sure you don't mind.'

That meant Rustie and Zileh would stay, too. They wanted to walk on alone even less now. Jazlyn had to go to work. Verzant took the toddler he introduced as Lyric. Her presence reassured them. Most people wouldn't do anything terrible with their two year-old daughter watching. The trailer was gaudy and cramped, but tidy. All of the windows and curtains were shut. They trapped a vague smell of pizza.

'I have to go back to work myself at midnight. I take Lyric with me. There's nothing to steal, so I'm gonna trust you not to give away my spare key.'

Rustie stiffly sat on the hard blue couch that clashed with the pink walls. Zileh sat beside her.

'You work really hard...'

'Yeah... trying to get us away from Ardos. No-one wants me as a tenant for obvious reasons. I need enough money to change their minds.'

Chalcedony looked up at a signed DVD of Gale of Darkness, the movie depicting Michael's journey to defeat Cipher. Alfie played Michael. He was apparently still Verzant's hero, because it was framed in pride of place.

'So Ardos really is living in a trailer in your name?'

'Sure is. Don't waste your time with the cops. They won't do anything. If I had more time on my hands, I'd train my Pokémon to give him such a fright he backs off forever, but I don't have time because of Ardos, so... yeah.'

Zileh fidgeted with her skirt. 'What exactly would have happened if you hadn't grabbed us?'

'At best, you would've had Cipher's "battle crews" tracking you because you saw Ein and his brat visiting Ardos. But if their past behaviour's anything to go by – and I would know – you'd probably be in a cell somewhere already.'

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