Chapter 72: Challenger Dirk Vs. Elite Four

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Challengers registered in the lofty hall where Michael defeated Eldes to finally face Greevil and XD001, Shadow Lugia, in the dome. No matter how much reporters begged, they were kept away. Other than the staff who maintained it, only Trainers who held eight Badges were allowed to set foot in that hall. The massive screen that displayed the colosseum as every seat filled was bigger and brighter than any Chalcedony saw in Nimbasa City.

All of Dirk's friends knew who the new Elite Four member was. He still wanted it to be a surprise. They stood aside for him to register first. The announcement that echoed through the colosseum and Victory Road was also on every Pokémon news channel in the world.

'Challenger Dirk, #94, is challenging the Elite Four.'

Dirk's father sat between his wife and daughters. Iylene passed a 'Fantastic Four' banner to his friends in the challengers' box. The colosseum's walls and roof opened as the opening fanfare played. A floor panel opened. Dirk stepped out of the elevator that popped up. The yellow neon strips circling the battlefield glinted in his determined eyes. All the Gym Leaders, including Wyatt, were there. They cheered. Cail wore the referee's whistle. He stepped out onto the battlefield. After three days with no internet connection, the challengers were utterly unaware of Cipher's apparent surrender, but there was no sense of fear in the jovial atmosphere; only excitement.

The Elite Four's elevator was sluggish. Everyone covered their ears to the ear-splitting scraping as the doors opened. Chobin's Robo Groudon burst from a cloud of green smoke. It often broke the doors altogether, but managed not to that morning.

'Chobin is the name! And Chobin is the number-one Elite Four member! Chobin will stomp you down!'

The Robo Groudon's clunky arms threw two Poké Balls. Cacturne and Sawsbuck dropped out. Dirk sent out Beedrill and Talonflame. He didn't hesitate to hold up his Key Stone to begin Beedrill's Mega Evolution. The crowd roared approval. Talonflame flew at Cacturne. The doubly-effective U-turn knocked it out before it even registered it was hit. Talonflame switched with Trevenant. Beedrill's stinger sank into Sawsbuck with Poison Jab. It struggled back up to use Swords Dance.

Chobin sent out Sceptile. The Key Stone on his bowtie glowed. Sceptile burst into its Mega Evolution. Before Sawsbuck could take advantage of its raised attack, it was stabbed unconscious by Fell Stinger. Beedrill's attacking power rocketed up. Sceptile blasted Trevenant with Dragon Pulse. It jabbed back in a spray of poison. Chobin sent out Tropius. Beedrill flew at Sceptile. Poison Jab pinned it brutally to the floor. Its consciousness faded. Tropius whipped up Air Slash. It tore Beedrill's skin open and shaved wood off toppling Trevenant.

'Great job, buddy! Come on back!'

Dirk sent Talonflame back out. Chobin sent out Jumpluff. It was ready to batter Beedrill with Acrobatics, but Talonflame hurtled at Tropius first. Flare Blitz knocked it over. Then Beedrill flew at Jumpluff. Poison drenched its pollen puffs as it flailed and fainted. Fans began to chant Dirk's name. Tropius blasted another Air Slash, but Beedrill rose right back up. Chobin was flustered. He fumbled to send out his final Pokémon, Sunflora. It immediately fell victim to Poison Jab. Talonflame threw its flaming body weight at Tropius. It crashed down, unconscious. Cail blew his whistle.

'Yooo! Challenger Dirk wins!'

'Chobin lost... Chobin lost...'

The Robo Groudon backed awkwardly into the elevator. This time, the doors cracked as they tried and failed to close. Nurses healed Dirk's Pokémon. The marching band played a frantic theme as the elevator returned before the technician could fix it. Red smoke billowed out. Matching shoes emerged.


Dirk wasn't sure who he expected, but it wasn't a pregnant woman with eyes like voids. Courtney's robotic Team Magma pose was mildly terrifying.


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Her uniform was red. She must have been a Fire-type specialist. Dirk sent out Poliwrath and Tyranitar. Courtney sent out Ninetales and Charizard. The clouds scattered for Ninetales' Drought Ability. Harsh sunlight showered the battlefield. Dirk regretted using an Ability Patch to change Tyranitar's Ability to Unnerve. Behind his family, Camden and Lyric cheered on Amber's and Trip's shoulders. Lyndon watched his wife with an expression so soft it was impossible to imagine he ever terrified anyone. Anabel was there, too. It was the first time she would see her cousin battle as a member of Orre's Elite Four, before she returned to the case.

Charizard sucked in sunlight. A blinding beam shot from its mouth into Tyranitar's stomach. It kept its balance only for another relentless Solar Beam to come from Ninetales. Tyranitar crashed down. It didn't stand back up. Poliwrath charged at Ninetales with Waterfall. They rolled in a flailing ball of water until Ninetales was left motionless on the floor. Courtney wasn't worried. It served its purpose in starting Drought. She sent out Talonflame. Dirk sent out Tauros.

Talonflame flew at Poliwrath. Brave Bird left it wincing on the floor. It was seared by Charizard's Solar Beam. Applause boomed when it struggled back up. That was the first time Courtney showed any emotion. She smiled. Tauros summoned Rock Slide. Talonflame dodged the shower of rumbling rocks. Charizard was struck down. It fainted. Poliwrath pulled Talonflame to the floor to slam it with Waterfall. It was weak, but still conscious.

Courtney sent out Blaziken. It used Protect. Poliwrath couldn't stand another Brave Bird. It fainted. The recoil damage left Talonflame dizzy. As soon as the first stone of Rock Slide hit its skull, it fainted. Dirk sent out his own Talonflame. Courtney sent out Magcargo. Blaziken leapt. Its flying foot struck Tauros in the temple. It was battered further by the weight of Blaziken's landing. It fainted. Talonflame hurtled down at Blaziken. Blood sprayed the floor. It staggered back to Magcargo's side in time to avoid its teammate's Rock Slide that dragged Talonflame down. It didn't rise back up.

Dirk sent out Beedrill and Trevenant. His hands were clammy when he held up his Key Stone. Mega Beedrill was fast, but as Blaziken relentlessly racked up Speed Boosts, it was faster. It charged at Beedrill. Flames consumed them both as they crashed to the floor. Beedrill's motionless wings were still alight when Blaziken teetered over. The recoil damage knocked it out. Dirk willed Beedrill to rise. It did not. Trevenant whacked Magcargo with Wood Hammer. It afflicted Trevenant with Infestation in response.

Courtney sent out her last Pokémon, Camerupt. Her face was so blank that it took Dirk a moment to notice that her engagement ring was glowing. The crowd applauded Camerupt's Mega Evolution. Another knock from Wood Hammer took Magcargo out. Camerupt's Flamethrower scorched Trevenant. Pure dedication to its Trainer allowed it to cling to consciousness. It slashed at Camerupt with Shadow Claw, but Camerupt barely winced. Flamethrower knocked Trevenant out. Cail's whistle sounded a little dejected. The announcement that boomed from speakers on TVs across the world, as well as the amplifiers at Citadark Isle, drowned him out.

'Challenger Dirk is defeated by Elite Four Courtney.'

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