Chapter 60: Eclo Canyon

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Hop continued to pace up and down in Michael's yard. Jovi only spoke to him about work. He was yet to check what was inside the envelope, which had been kicked under the wheels of Amethyst's bike. He thought Jovi was so depressed, she only spoke if she had to. That was understandable. He didn't want to pressure her, but it still began to bother him, because he felt like Cipher were creeping into his marriage when they never had before.

There were plenty of other things on his mind. Seth saw auras. The equipment recovered by Team Magma's scientists and hidden in their bathroom still picked nothing up. So the 'on/off' theory was out of the window. It was some kind of signal, but Team Magma were certain it wasn't coming from Ein's lab. If Cipher never left the mines because Ardos took precautions all those years ago, but they never actually infiltrated the Space Center... was it possible they messed with the satellites before they launched?

Jamal dismissed that theory. Communications satellites lasted a maximum of 10 years. Long-term influence would require regular access and then they were back at Cipher infiltrating the Space Center, which had been ruled out. Asking Lyndon about the 'weapon' only he and Coren knew of was no use. He had no idea what anyone was talking about.

The same number of prisoners remained in Ein's basement. They were yet to kill Wyatt, but unbeknown to him, his Pokémon were turned into Shadow Pokémon along with Ruhul's Machamp and Aggron. Peonia's were converted long ago. Looker estimated there were less than 20 people, excluding the prisoners and their guard, in the lab at night. They had to strike then, but ideally, they needed to know what this 'weapon' was in case Cipher used it in response...


The four young Gym Challengers stood at the rim of Eclo Canyon. Its sunset-striped walls, dotted with flowering cacti and bent trees, stretched to the horizon. This was it. They would either prove they could triumph over hostile Orre, or be defeated. Ace Trainers and Veterans waited to challenge them on the dusty slope leading to the canyon floor.

Dirk caught a Misdreavus as night fell. When they found Nasina taking shelter in a cave, he traded Misdreavus for her Phantump. It evolved into Trevenant as soon as he let it out. His team was complete.

Zileh hoped to catch a Jangmo-o, but the Ralts she only intended to take care of until it was returned to Wyatt had already evolved into Kirlia. Nasina offered her a Dawn Stone. When she gave it to Kirlia, it glowed and crumbled as its power was absorbed. Kirlia evolved into Gallade.

'I'm sure Wyatt won't mind,' Chalcedony assured her, 'It's me he has a problem with, not you. And I'd like to think he'd be pleased Gallade has found a Trainer he adores, regardless of who it is.'

So Gallade trekked beside Zileh through the canyon. It wasn't yet strong enough to take on the wild Pokémon there, but with the help of its teammates, it rapidly gained experience from knocking them out. Larvesta finally evolved into Volcarona. Chalcedony's Shelgon sprouted the wings it longed for, through the seemingly endless days of jumping off cliffs and banging its head as Bagon, to become Salamence. When Dirk defeated the last Trainer they saw that day, Pupitar evolved into Tyranitar.

Pitching their tent for the second night, there was silence but for the running river and echoing howls of Midnight Form Lycanroc. Nasina was nowhere to be seen. Most Hikers and Backpackers returned to the rim upon reaching the last slope. Beyond that there was no escape, except by flight, for over 75 miles. Zileh filmed Chalcedony singing a cover song about Eclo Canyon in the light of the campfire. As comments on her post appeared about how amazing Eclo Canyon looked, Dirk was pelted by a Golbat dropping. They all laughed as Poliwrath washed it off.

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