Chapter 14: Police Report

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There was no sign of Theta when the new Trainers returned to the streets to challenge any tourists or sailors willing to battle. With only one Pokémon, Dirk had to team up with one of his friends, because no-one in Orre liked single battles. Rustie caught and released a Pidove, Rattata and Stunky. The bus station's cleaner gave her P5,000 for catching the Grimer terrorising passengers.

'Hah!' Dirk exclaimed, 'If Theta bothers us again, she's gettin' a helpin' of Gunk Shot!'

Although the only moves Grimer knew were Pound and Poison Gas. The Pokédex warned them it would multiply rapidly. Even when it was zapped into its Poké Ball, its Stench lingered. It scared other Pokémon away. Rustie couldn't bring herself to release it just because it smelled worse than she expected.

'I'll need to get some of them to evolve to fill the Pokédex, anyway...'

'We'll get used to it.'

Chalcedony shrugged. 'At least we're not in a sewer full of them.'

'I don't know how Amber does it...'

They found Zileh outside the Pokémon Center. Her left wrist was broken after Tauros stamped on it.

'On the bright side, Pineco has stopped exploding 24/7... and I got a Water Stone!'

Zileh released her newly-evolved Vaporeon. 'There's a stall in the harbour! Probably overpriced, but whatever. After falling in that Deerling poop, I changed my mind about Leafeon. I really wanna find a Shuppet now!'

'Ooh, yeah, they're here, too!' Rustie exclaimed, 'I'm sure there'll be some out tonight!'

'I used to see them all the time before I could catch Pokémon. We even had one in our attic! There were none around last night, though...'

'Hey, how about this?' Dirk offered, 'If I catch a Shuppet, wanna trade for your Tauros?'

Zileh felt guilty that she was relieved someone wanted Tauros. 'He's calmed down a little, but...'

'Don't worry! I can handle him!'

She hesitantly let Tauros out to meet Dirk. It appreciated that he was – perhaps naively – unafraid and bursting with enthusiasm for strong Pokémon, whether they were actually strong or a Weedle he just caught.

'We got a whole lotta training ahead of us, Tauros!'

He thought he was gesturing to Citadark Isle, but he was pointing inland.

'But we're gonna make it to the very top!'

A curious family of four asked if they were Gym Challengers. They wanted to battle. Dirk was overjoyed when Poliwag defeated the three year-old boy's Zigzagoon. Chalcedony wasn't as lucky with his dad. He had six fully-evolved Pokémon. At least Salandit gained a burst of valuable experience when it managed to knock out the strong Magnezone its teammates wore down.

Things seemed brighter at the Pokémon Center. Weedle was discharged. Contrary to Dirk's fears, it was overjoyed to be reunited with him. Tauros let it ride on its head.

'You can trade me anything,' Zileh said, 'He adores you!'

'Nah! I'm gonna find y'all a Shuppet!'

Chalcedony laid Salandit down on the tiles outside. Its little feet clutched a smooth stone.

'When I was a kid, I thought it was really edgy to have a female Salandit that never evolves...'

She took its Everstone away. 'But I think it's time. Let's go!'

Iridescent blue light blinded them. Salandit's tail grew as its body lengthened. Its red markings turned pink.

'No way!' Zileh said, 'I thought it had to be a dude! And I didn't wanna be rude by asking why your ace Pokémon is a male Salandit...'

Dirk blinked. 'What's the difference...?'

'Only the females evolve,' Rustie explained, 'Their poison gas contains pheromones that put the males under, like, a trance. They do anything the females tell them to and give them all their food, so they're too malnourished to evolve themselves. Those pheromones affect all species. Even humans.'

'You lost me at "feral bones," but that Pokémon sure smells good!'

The newly-evolved Salazzle stretched the hind legs it now stood on. It beamed back at Chalcedony.

'I thought she was a boy, too,' Rustie admitted, 'But people don't always keep little Pokémon for edge value. Galar's Pokémon Professor never let her Yamper evolve! It can be for sentimental reasons, or just because people really like them that way. Sometimes it's even for fun, or a crazy strategy! But Salazzle looks really happy!'

'Yeah... it can be sentimental. Especially when they've been with you through everything. But when the time's right to turn onto a new path... it's no use putting nostalgia before the road ahead. You do look happy, Salazzle! I'm happy, too!'

She glanced up at Dirk. 'Why hasn't your Poliwag evolved? Did he swallow an Everstone?'

'Uh... we haven't really won all that many battles...'

'Come on!' Rustie said, 'We can at least get Weedle to evolve today! Battle my Wingull and Grimer!'

'OK! Poliwag! Weedle! Let's do this!'

Two blasts of Poliwag's Water Gun knocked Grimer out. Wingull's Peck wore Weedle down.

'C'mon, Weedle! I know you're even tougher than I am!'

Rustie didn't want to go easy on Weedle. It wouldn't grow that way... but Dirk's cheering must have worked. Poison Sting took out Wingull. Weedle only needed minimal experience to evolve into Kakuna. Its skin hardened as it was cloaked in light.

'Yeah! Check out my sick Kakuna!'

Chalcedony challenged a bored marine. He only had a pair of Sharpedo, but they were strong. They knocked out Eevee and Rotom. Servine took one down. The other managed to knock out Clauncher before Servine finished it off. She had to return to the Pokémon Center.

The sky was tinted orange as the sun dipped. It painted the white streets. Emili awaited the challengers at the central police station. She requested the most competent officer she knew, Orvil Sawyer. He was petite and only a few years older than the challengers, but his Pokémon must have been strong, because he completed the Gym Challenge the previous year. He photographed the torn straps of Rustie's bag and the grazes on hers and Dirk's arms.

'So... this chick's Pokémon attacked y'all? Without hesitation?'

They didn't tell him they suspected Theta used Shadow Pokémon. Bribed Orrean police officers weren't above sharing those suspicions with Cipher. It seemed, though, he suspected it himself.

'And she's Lovrina and Ein's kid... sounds like Cipher.'

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