Chapter 12: Discouraged

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Registration at Gateon Colosseum opened at 8AM. Only 10 Trainers could challenge the Gym each day. When Chalcedony and Rustie arrived at 8:33, all 10 places were already taken.

'Oh, well...'

Rustie sighed. 'That's out of the question, then...'

Chalcedony glanced around. Dirk was absent. He wasn't on the list of registered challengers.

'I guess he sleeps even longer than it takes him to realise his Pokémon are shit.'

'He'll get better! I don't believe you have to be born talented to be a great Trainer. I've been reading interviews with some of the past World Champions and that's exactly what Leon Fayed says – that natural talent can only get you so far. You have to work for it. And sometimes those people who work for it are the ones who succeed!'

'That's what a sad little sunburnt Grumpig like you has to tell yourself?'

They knew who jeered that before they turned to see Theta. She wasn't in uniform. Two fans clutching signed photos lingered behind her.

'And that dumbass is your friend? Figures.'

Chalcedony's eyes narrowed. 'He's more pleasant to be around than you are.'

'Too bad the crowd won't get to see what a loser he is, like, ever.'

'You just love picking on people who can't stand up to you, huh?'

'Uh, no. I did that stupid little boy a favour. He so would've embarrassed himself.'

'That's how people grow,' Rustie snarled, 'And forget whatever you think I have to tell myself – that's exactly what Emili would say. Trampling on people like that is against everything she...'

Theta and her fans were giggling. Rustie's voice trailed off. Chalcedony's scowl didn't waver.

'Why are you here if you're not battling, anyway?'

'I already got my Machine Badge and my Net Badge, emo loser.'

'So why are you here? Did Cassia beat you?'

'Um, no!'

On the other side of the lobby, Jovi caught up with Nasina and Jet. Her eyes were on Rustie, because she carried the third Pokédex and Theta was probably bothering her.

'Go get your Pokédex evaluated, Rustie.'

Chalcedony stared Theta down as Rustie turned. 'Some people are here for honest reasons.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Well, you didn't come all the way back to Gateon Port to teach some random jock a lesson – or to see all these beginners battle – did you?'


'So if Cassia didn't beat you, what do you expect people to think? Why are you here?'

'I don't know what you're trying to imply, but Alfie Addison is not going to fuck you. Stop acting like I'm a bad guy because he lied about my mom.'

'Sure, Theta. Sure. Great name, by the way. Really suits you.'

Theta knew that wasn't a compliment. Her name was associated with death. Chalcedony was equally aware she probably said too much... although Theta would, presumably, never guess she actually saw them visiting Ardos. It wasn't that far-fetched that Chalcedony assumed she was a 'bad guy' because of Alfie.

Theta could believe she wished she could fuck him if she wanted to. He was too old for Chalcedony. She admired him as an actor and in general. To survive 17 years wrongly jailed after a lifetime of incessant abuse, being separated from one child and losing another, then being hated even after being cleared of all charges, yet still carry on... no matter how fake his public image was, that resilience was real. It was one of the only real things she saw in the world of showbiz. Though maybe being so awed by that didn't do her any favours, because it was what inspired her to carry on even as she knew she was going nowhere...

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