Chapter 25: Pokémon For Sale

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'I don't want to be Fire Agate!' Rustie hastily replied, 'But they think I might be because of the pendant.'


Jet shook his head. 'What weird-ass hole have I just fallen in?'

'It all started with the damn pendant...'

'I mean... even if that is the pendant... why would you be her? Were you adopted?'

'No! Not as far as I know. I think it could be the pendant. I'll give them that. But I'm not her. My mom just picked it up in a junk shop, like she always does.'

'I don't think I even know enough about this to say anything...'

All the seats were taken. Chalcedony and Zileh dragged two to the PC. An elderly couple chatted in the remaining chairs. Jet sat on the floor with his P★DA.

'OK, yeah. That's the pendant. But like I thought... her body was there! In the stroller! How could she be alive?'

'Get with the times, peasant!'

Zileh stood with hands on hips. 'The body was so battered, it was unrecognisable!'

'But – but – that's a dead baby! If it wasn't her – who the hell was it?! A kid is buried in Alola as someone they're not!'

It was Chalcedony's turn to shake her head. Her eyes were as blank as ever, even talking about her idol's dead daughter. She really unsettled Jet.

'We've gotta prove she is even alive before we think about that.'

'It could be you!' Zileh replied, 'You sure do have Abbey's resting bitch face!'

Rustie frowned. 'That's mean. Chalcedony doesn't have a resting bitch face.'

'Excuse you, Rustie! It took me years to perfect my RBF!'

'A-ha!' Zileh exclaimed, 'It's not natural! Scratch that. Oh, I don't know. We're not gonna get anywhere by staring at these pics. We need more evidence. Your dad knows them, right, Jet?'

'Uh... he sort of knows Abbey. Mainly through Leon. But hardly. It's not like they're BFFs or anything.'

'You don't look totally unlike her, you know.'


Jet was aghast. 'What are you even saying?! I know I'm short, but I'm too old to be Fire Agate! You look more like her than I do. Jeez!'

'Yeah, but I'm too young. I don't think you're Fire Agate. I just read earlier today that Abbey had a crush on Justy once.'

'How many kids do you think she has?! I'm not – I'm my mom's kid!'

Rustie began to feel uncomfortable. She didn't want her friends to scare Jet away. She awkwardly pointed to the news on the TV half-obscured by a plant.

'Looks like someone's auctioning off one of those Sandile...'

Jet turned. 'Wait, what? Selling a Pokémon?'

Chalcedony clearly didn't want Jet included in their 'investigation.' She stepped over him to turn the TV volume up.

'...Hours after Phenac City's sewers were unblocked, the as-of-yet exclusive Orrean form of Sandile appeared on auction site RotoBay. Collectors bid up to P72 million before the auction was removed for violating the terms of service, which forbid the sale of live Pokémon. However, less than an hour ago, Sandile was sold on a rehoming site for a whopping P250 million. The sale was suspended by the site at the request of sewer worker Amber Hawthorn Fayed and Orre's Pokémon HQ Lab, which oversees the safety of Orrean Pokémon. Concern is rising over Sandile's welfare.'

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