Chapter 16: The Machine Badge

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'It's day eight of battles here at Gateon Colosseum! And we still have four challengers facing off for the Machine Badge! Please welcome #18! Challenger Chalcedony!'

Every shiny yellow seat was filled. Sunlight filtering through the intricate roof, styled to imitate the waves outside, made the golden flags decorating stands glitter. The battlefield circled by neon lights appeared as the inverted storm over the waves above. Chalcedony waved. Cheers boomed. Fans loved confidence, partly because that made it even more entertaining when cocky challengers lost.

What Chalcedony sought and failed to find on the stage was right here in Orre. She shared it with the friends who stuck with her through everything, even when she cut off everyone else – her Pokémon. They trained with their fellow challengers to prepare. Servine finally evolved into Serperior. She wouldn't settle for a loss now. A Gym Trainer in yellow and silver ran out with a daring smile to face her.

'Chalcedony's first opponent will be Gym Trainer Delka! Let the battles begin!'

A high school marching band played a fanfare. Chalcedony could have mowed down the Gym Trainers with Salazzle and Serperior, but her new Pokémon needed to grow. Battling Electric-types was a painful but necessary experience for Clauncher. It no longer snapped at the humans around it. Its teammates welcomed it to form a supportive family. Eevee held Salazzle's Everstone. It insisted on sleeping on the pillow beside its Trainer now Salazzle and Serperior were too big, which indicated it was on the verge of evolution. Chalcedony didn't want it to evolve at the wrong time of day.

Clauncher fainted in the fourth battle. Chalcedony ensured she revived it before the nurse healed her Pokémon. Rustie said that made up for any trust lost when new Pokémon repeatedly fainted.

Applause echoed through the colosseum. The final fanfare played as Emili ran out onto the battlefield.

'Alright, Challenger Chalcedony! You've shown you're more than strong enough to take on Gateon Gym. Let's go!'

They took their positions. Chalcedony sent out Eevee and Rotom. No matter how many challengers Emili fought, her enthusiasm never wavered. She sent out Emolga and Tynamo.

'OK, Rotom! Let's do this! Confuse Ray! Eevee! Use Tackle!'

Before Confuse Ray hit Emolga, it struck Eevee down with Shock Wave. Electricity crackled through its ruffled fur. There wasn't much the Electric-types could do to Rotom. Tynamo zapped it with Charge Beam, but it was ineffective. Eevee threw its body weight at Emolga. Emili smiled. Chalcedony had already identified the most threatening opponent.

Confusion forced her to switch Emolga out. It was replaced with Raichu. Rotom confused Tynamo. It zapped itself instead of Eevee. Emili switched it back out for Emolga. Tackle winded Raichu, but it sprang right back up to Yawn at Rotom. It grew drowsy. Confuse Ray whirled around Raichu. Another Tackle knocked Emolga to the floor. Chalcedony withdrew Rotom. She couldn't risk it falling asleep. She sent out Scorbunny. Fans cooed. They weren't used to seeing Galarian starter Pokémon.

Emili risked commanding Raichu to use Volt Switch rather than switching it out herself. It was a mistake. Raichu tripped over its tail and hurt itself in confusion. Shock Wave struck Eevee down again. It struggled back up. The Tackle that hit Emolga was weak. Emili withdrew Raichu. She sent out Pachirisu. Emolga knocked Eevee out seconds before Scorbunny's burning feet kicked an Ember that took it down.

Chalcedony sent Rotom back out. Emili chose Raichu. Yawn made Rotom drowsy again. Pachirisu flung Mud Slap at Scorbunny. The dirt stained its fur and obscured its vision. Rotom confused Raichu. Scorbunny leapt close to Raichu to ensure Ember didn't miss. Chalcedony had to withdraw Rotom again. She sent out Clauncher. Raichu grabbed Scorbunny to smother it with Nuzzle. It was paralysed. Emili knew Chalcedony would switch Rotom out. Pachirisu's Shock Wave crashed down on Clauncher. After battling four Electric-type specialists on the way to her, Clauncher was undaunted by the super-effective attack. It scuttled back into battle.

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