Chapter 24: Possibilities

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Grey clouds hung over Agate Village. It was cold. Registration to challenge Hebon's Gym began at 5:30AM. By the time Dirk parked outside the Pokémon Center, they were three hours too late. Many of the senior citizens wandering the lush streets with their Pokémon were once accomplished Trainers themselves. The annual influx of challengers pleased and amused them. Most were eager to battle. Their elderly Pokémon were still feisty. The challengers flitted to and from the Pokémon Center as they explored the town. On Rustie's third return to heal her Pokémon, she found Jet talking to the nurse. A shiny new Net Badge was pinned to his jacket. She felt suddenly embarrassed, but it wasn't the usual embarrassment that she liked him. He apologised for being too forward, but so was she... still, he smiled when he saw her.

'Oh, hey, Rustie.'

It was only when Chalcedony and Dirk walked in that his cheeks flushed. He knew Rustie liked him. There was something unsettling about unreadable Chalcedony. At the same time as he couldn't work her out, he got the feeling she was judging him for drunkenly pulling her friend into an alleyway without a word. Dirk was Dirk. It was still embarrassing that he inevitably knew.

'Hey!' he boomed, 'You beat Hebon, huh? Was he real tough?'

'Well... we were both using Double Team, so the battle went on for hours until my sandstorm knocked his Yanma out...'

'Who needs Double Team? Knock 'em out before they even get started!'

'That's not always possible...'

'Later, bro. I'm gonna go train some more!'

Dirk charged back out. Rustie seemed comfortable enough. Chalcedony turned to leave. She wanted to keep an eye on Zileh until they could prove the theory about her being secretly older was as ridiculous as it seemed.

'So... you wanna get coffee or something?'

'Oh, uh, yeah,' Rustie stammered, 'Sure!'

Sylveon trotted after them with Jet's Sandshrew. They were enjoying the cooler air.

'I really love that pendant, Rustie. I've been admiring it since I met you! I'm glad there's someone as into rocks as I am on the Gym Challenge. Well, fire agate's a mineral, not a rock, but you know that.'

That explained a lot. Jet thought she was into rocks because she was wearing some special pendant... but she didn't even realise it was special.

'I bet it cost an arm and a leg, right?'

'I, uh, I don't actually know. My parents gave it to me when I was really little. I guess because it matched my name. I don't think they knew what it was, so they probably didn't pay much for it.'

'Oh... that happens sometimes. Or at least people say it does. I've never scored anything accidentally cheap, myself. Fire agate like that usually sells for at least P100,000 even here in Orre.'

'Jeez! My mom has always made the rounds of every craft fair and junk shop in every town she visits. She probably has some more gems hiding in her cupboards.'

'I'd love to see them if she does.'

'I'd say you're welcome to, but... she's so weird right now. She's fallen down a Raboot hole of Cipher and "Alfie Clan" conspiracy theories...'

'Oh, don't worry. I live under a rock. That stuff goes over my head... although I guess I'm a little curious what the hell the "Alfie Clan" is.'

'I don't really get it, to be honest... it's something to do with Alfie Addison luring people into a cult with small gigs and his ex-girlfriend's geology classes.'

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