Chapter 27: The Relic Stone

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Challengers lined up outside Relic Cave. It was almost 5:30AM. None of the cafés in Agate Village opened before nine. Coffee wasn't an option. Dirk was the only one who kept energy drinks in his car, so he was also the only one who wasn't grumpy. The Gym Guide's shrill whistle hurt Chalcedony's head.

'This challenge will be a little different to Gateon Gym. Be stealthy and you'll face four Trainers. Crash through the cave like Champion Zane... and who knows what could become of you? Bugs are weak to Fire-, Flying- and Rock-type moves.'

Zileh was first in line. She got nervous. When she stepped back, Rustie found herself facing the Gym Guide.

'What's your name, #60?'

'Uh... Rustie Clark, but...'

The Gym Guide took out his tablet to register her before she could protest. He moved the barrier.

'Good luck!'

'Go Rustie!' Dirk boomed, 'You can do it!'

As soon as Rustie stepped tentatively across the bridge into Relic Cave, the voices outside were abruptly silenced, as if they were never there at all. They were replaced with bubbling water and barely audible scratching. Only the glowing eyes of lurking Bug-type Pokémon provided illumination. Rustie admittedly practiced walking in the dark in preparation for this Gym. She knew the shape of the path, but it was less clear in real life than it was on a screen. She still managed not to disturb a single Pokémon. Her team were in good shape when the final Gym Trainer pulled aside the sticky web separating the cave from Relic Forest, where Gym Leader Hebon waited by the Relic Stone. Here, the silence was no longer unsettling but comforting. The air was clear and crisp. Hebon stood.

'Welcome to Relic Forest, #60. I never get tired of tellin' challengers what this place means to the people and Pokémon of Orre... but I get the feelin' you already know all that.'

'Yeah... I've dreamed of really seeing the Relic Stone all my life. And the forest. I have a postcard on my wall. I do know the stories... about how Wes and Michael brought all the Shadow Pokémon here to remember happiness... and how Celebi saved Leon and Rui and all of Orre, after the Shadow Swords of Justice... sorry. I'm rambling at you now.'

'Don't you say sorry. That's what I like to hear! People doin' our Gym Challenge not just because it's their only option, but 'cause it's our Gym Challenge. Alright, #60. You ready to take on Gym Leader Hebon?'

'Ready as I'll ever be!'

'Then let's go!'

Hebon sent out Beautifly and Dustox. Rustie was relieved. Her prediction was right. She sent out Bidoof and Noctowl.

'Go on, Bidoof! Rollout! Noctowl! Use Confusion!'

Beautifly's Stun Spore paralysed Bidoof. Rustie knew Hebon liked to inflict status conditions. She read about the Gym Leaders enough times. All her Pokémon held Lum Berries. Bidoof chomped into it to heal its paralysis. It was a moment others might have overlooked, but it made Rustie smile, because hungry Bidoof respected her enough not to eat its Berry without good reason.

Dustox poisoned Noctowl. It swallowed its Lum Berry and dazed Dustox with Confusion. Bidoof rolled at Beautifly. It was dragged to the floor. It laid motionless, but Hebon knew it wasn't unconscious. Its vibrant wings twitched. It flitted back to Dustox's side.

Hebon withdrew Dustox. He sent out Yanma. Beautifly paralysed Bidoof again. Confusion left Yanma dazed and flying in circles. Bidoof rolled back at Beautifly. Rollout doubled in power with each hit. Even with restored health, Beautifly couldn't withstand another doubly effective hit. It fainted.

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