Chapter 58: Only Child

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The Outskirt Stand was filled with a different crowd that day. Free Orre League members and their friends gathered to discuss how and when they would rescue Wyatt. Axley's Flygon flew over Gallego Labs with Looker's thermal imaging scanner. The number of prisoners was the same as the previous day. He was, at least, still alive.

'What about the school?' Lyndon asked, 'Wyatt was worried Cipher would target it today, for whatever reason...'

Justy's wife Nimblis was there on his behalf. 'Ruby Jane got in touch with us. She thinks they'll attack today, too, because she's seen weirdos skulking around. She's on standby outside the school.'

'Oh, OK... I don't know who that is. Will she be OK on her own? Should I go?'

'I'll go,' Seth volunteered, 'If they've kidnapped Wyatt because he can see auras, they'll be using Shadow Pokémon.'

Jovi wasn't allowed to leave Gateon Port, even if she wasn't so depressed she could barely drag herself out of bed, but she was there on Lyndon's P★DA.

'Don't feel you have to, Seth. I think the kidnapping confirms there are auras. I guess it would be good to be 100% sure... Nimblis, did Ruby Jane mention how many attackers she expects?'

'If they're the ones already in town, no more than 10. Bearing in mind it's Cipher, so they'll let out all their Shadow Pokémon at once.'

'OK,' Cassia said, 'I'll go with Seth. You come, too, Bianka and Parvor.'

Bianka and Parvor were friends from the Gym Challenge. Seth and Cassia climbed onto her Aerodactyl. Bianka took her Noctowl and Parvor his Braviary. Under Seth's hoodie was the Snag Machine that Wes stole from Team Snagem before he left.

In the parking lot, they met the young GPPD officer, Orvil. He hoped to arrest the attackers. His Pelipper dived into the chasm after his new teammates. The school had already been evacuated. ONBS reporters filmed a battle between Ruby Jane and three Cipher Peons who, as Nimblis predicted, let out all 16 of their Pokémon at once.

'This is fucking insane,' Cassia said before she tackled another attacker, 'We only just got rid of them!'

Ruby Jane's Chandelure let loose a Heat Wave that hurled the three Peons back. Her Zebstrika knocked another to the floor.

'You're fucking fools! Get lost!'

A man charged at Seth. He tried to engage him in a fist fight, but Seth had already released his Vaporeon and Celebi. His opponent had no choice but to send out a Tauros and Blaziken. Their questions were answered. There was no mistaking the black auras flecked with sizzling purple.

'Retreat!' a voice shrieked over a radio, 'Retreat, now!'

The man returned Tauros. Seth grabbed his bag.

'Sorry, pal, but I don't have time to throw Ultra Balls at you.'

Blaziken was scooped up in a Master Ball before the man could flee. He didn't look back. He ran as if he was chased by a pack of furious Houndoom. Orvil caught him. He was handcuffed and tossed into the arms of his Bisharp. Orvil threw handcuffs to Cassia. Her own Blaziken pinned down her opponent. They confiscated his bag. Bianka and Parvor blocked the exits. Orvil's Leavanny wrapped the remaining attackers in String Shot. They were trapped. No wriggling could free them as they were swept up to the surface in the elevators. Pyrite Police responded to Orvil's call. Cars waited to take the attackers to the police station.

'Gotta dash,' Orvil called to his young helpers as he climbed into his own car, 'But thanks! Who knew cornering Cipher was this easy?'

The cars screeched away. Cassia frowned.

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