Chapter 21: No Match

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'Let the music play!'

Cassia switched Miror B.'s portable radio on. Ein glowered at the blaring disco music, but he knew telling Miror B. to shut up was useless. He sent out Rhyperior. Theta sent out that scowling Sylveon. Miror B. had six Ludicolo. The first one went out. Amethyst hesitated. She sent out Azumarill.

Though Amethyst was experienced for her age, it was clear every other Pokémon on the field was stronger than Azumarill. Risking cutting its health with Belly Drum was a gamble, but... Miror B. knew her Pokémon were weaker than his. He knew Ein. Maybe he could think up a way to protect Azumarill while it boosted its attack.

'Let's do it, Azumarill! Belly Drum!'

Ludicolo used Fake Out. Sylveon was shocked into flinching. It couldn't attack. Rhyperior used Protect. Amethyst almost wanted to cackle at the wasted turn, but she had to win before she laughed. Azumarill pounded its round stomach. Its attack was maximised at the cost of losing energy. Now...

'Azumarill! Aqua Jet!'

It didn't matter that Sylveon was faster. The speedy priority move went first. Azumarill hurtled at Sylveon. Combined with its Huge Power Ability, the focused strength winded Sylveon as it flew over Theta's head. It hit the wall with a thud.

'Get up, Sylveon! Get up!'

Sylveon didn't move. It was zapped back into its Love Ball.

'Whoa, yeah!' Miror B. proclaimed, 'You're in the groove!'

Ludicolo squinted. Rhyperior was too slow to dodge the blast of Hydro Pump. It toppled and fainted. Amethyst's heart was hammering. Miror B. seemed perfectly calm. Ein sent out Crobat. Theta sent out Sunflora.

'Azumarill! Protect!'

Theta's fists clenched. She was furious. Both opposing Pokémon targeted Azumarill. Their attacks were swallowed by Protect. Ludicolo used Rain Dance. A thick curtain of water began to fall. Azumarill couldn't hide behind Protect forever, but maybe they thought she was stupid enough to risk using it twice.

'Go on! Play Rough!'

The rain loosened Ludicolo's limbs to speed it up. Hydro Pump pinned Crobat to the wall as it was brutally soaked. It sprayed Toxic in response. Ludicolo was badly poisoned. Theta apparently did expect Amethyst to use Protect again. Sunflora used Ingrain. It planted its roots to restore its health each turn. Azumarill leapt at it. They rolled in a dusty, wrestling ball until they hit the wall. Sunflora was still. Azumarill stepped back.

'That thing is so weak! Get up, Sunflora!'

Sunflora didn't respond. Rage flashed like lightning in Theta's indigo eyes. She sent out Manectric.

'We are so going to teach them a lesson, Manectric! Shadow Bolt!'

Amethyst's eyes widened. So did Cassia's. That was all the confirmation they needed that Theta was indeed using Shadow Pokémon... but they couldn't prove it. They didn't even know if it had an aura, because they couldn't see them.

'Well, Azumarill... it's about time for another Protect!'

Shadow Bolt struck the iridescent barrier. There was an ear-splitting splintering sound as if the ruthless attack almost overcame Protect. Manectric dodged Hydro Pump. Crobat's fangs tore through Ludicolo's fur. It cheerfully shook off the pain and resumed dancing.

Theta's clenched fists shook. On the surface, Ein was placid and poised, but there was matching fury in the eyes he shared with his daughter. He withdrew Crobat and sent out his own Manectric.

'Daddy, you can't use Thunder... my Manectric has Lightning Rod.'


Shadow Bolt struck Ludicolo instantly unconscious. Azumarill charged at Theta's Manectric. Play Rough left it weakly twitching on the floor. It fainted.

'Alright, Azumarill! Shadow Pokémon are no match for us!'

Miror B. sent out his next Ludicolo. Theta sent out Octillery. It was her last Pokémon. With no more Lightning Rod on the field, Ein's Manetric tried to zap Ludicolo with Thunder, but Rain Dance wore off. The inaccurate attack missed.

They expected Azumarill to use Protect. Ludicolo was splattered and winded by Octillery's Gunk Shot. Its health was restored when it latched on to Octillery to sap all its energy with Giga Drain. Octillery fainted. Azumarill pulled Manectric to the floor to beat it with Play Rough, but Ein received it as an Electrike when he was only seven. It was stronger than Theta's Manectric. It stood back up.

'Azumarill! Protect!'

Ein was left battling alone. Protect blocked Thunder.

'Argh!' Theta screeched, 'You vile little creature!'

'Now, Theta. We're yet to lose. I still have five Pokémon left.'

Ludicolo refreshed Rain Dance. It was risky when Manectric knew Thunder, but Azumarill's Aqua Jet slammed what remained of its energy out of it before it could attack. Ein sent Crobat back out. It used Protect, but that only halted the inevitable. Aqua Jet winded it on the next turn. It fell to the floor and struggled, trying to fly, but fainted. Ein sent out Gyarados. Amethyst hesitated. Ein probably expected her to use Protect, so...

'Azumarill! Play Rough!'

She was right. Gyarados struck Ludicolo down with Thunder. That was something Ein's opponents didn't expect. Amethyst didn't even know Gyarados could learn Thunder. Ludicolo fainted. It still left Azumarill free to pummel Gyarados with Play Rough. It was so much stronger, it wasn't enough to knock it out, but Amethyst wasn't worried. If Azumarill used Aqua Jet, that would whittle its health down a little more for the next Ludicolo to finish it off. Miror B. had a similar idea. Ludicolo used Fake Out. Gyarados fainted as both Pokémon piled on to it.

'Ein, baby, you need to develop a little more spine like a good bass line!'

Ein ignored his dancing opponent. He sent out Starmie. Amethyst hesitated again. In the rain, Ludicolo was probably faster than Starmie. So if she used Aqua Jet, maybe it would be enough... Starmie was struck down. Then it was blasted by Ludicolo's Energy Ball. It fainted. Ein sent out his last Pokémon, Mantine.

'Azumarill! Let's finish this! Play Rough!'

Ludicolo moved first. Energy Ball whacked Mantine. This time, Ein predicted Amethyst's attack. Mantine sprayed Toxic to poison Azumarill. It charged to pull Mantine down. Its panicked cry resounded as it was battered by Play Rough. Poison wasn't enough to stop Amethyst and Miror B. now. Aqua Jet and Energy Ball knocked Mantine out. Miror B. high-fived Amethyst.

'Fuhohoho! We make a great team, baby!'

He turned to his old colleague. 'You're not up for the part, Ein. Go practice your dance steps.'

'You have indeed improved since our last meeting. I suppose it makes sense that someone who was free the entire time has been able to devote more time to training than someone who served a life sentence.'

Amethyst stepped foward. Ein and Theta didn't need to know she just began recording audio on her P★DA.

'You can't deny you used a Shadow Pokémon, Theta.'

'Um, no. Your bug eyes are so seeing things.'

'Are you aware, Mesquite, that it's illegal to record audio without permission from those you are recording? I suppose that's no surprise. Your family is, after all, in league with Alfie Addison and the new Cipher. Your struggles to frame us will be in vain. I suggest you find a new hobby.'

Theta stomped after her father to his car. Cassia frowned.

'"Alfie Addison and the new Cipher?" Is he nuts?'

Miror B. stopped dancing. 'Ein never says anything just for the sake of it, oh no.'

'Well, we all heard her say "Shadow Bolt." I'm gonna go to the police and give Jovi a call right now. Not that they'll do anything, but it'll be on record.'

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