Chapter One

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Run down hotel in Wisconsin

Tobias sat in the empty hotel room scanning through an old book researching for his next job. He had already finished slaying the wendigos that ravaged the forest town. His thoughts wandered back to what he saw on his way back to pack up everything and head out of town. He had overheard a couple talking about their son, and they spoke as if he was possessed. The church wasn't going to help them since they thought it was a hoax. The couple looked troubled and serious from what he remembered. He set the book down and left the hotel, deciding to drive around town and begin asking questions about the boy, posing as a federal agent so no one would question his motives.

He soon arrived at the house of the family, parking and observing for a moment. It was a nice little house in a decent neighborhood and he wondered how they could have so many problems. He walked to the front door and knocked, waiting for a response from the home owners inside. A few moments passed before the door opened and a man came into view.

"I'm here about your son. Before you ask, I'm not with the church but I think I can help." Tobias explained and the man let him in and he began talking to the couple in the living room about performing an exorcism on their son.

Abandoned Manor in Tennessee

Esmeray reloaded her shotgun with more rock salt ammo while she finished clearing the old abandoned manor of the last spectral entity. She tossed the four small whiskey flasks into the chimney and lit it on fire, watching them melt and destroy the spirit's tether to this place. The job was now down and she left the manor and got in her car. She gassed her car and sped off to handle her main job and find the girls who were taken by a coven of vampires. If her intel was solid, which it normally was, she would find them soon enough.

Suburbia, Wisconsin

Tobias finished explaining and got the parents' blessing to perform the ritual on their son. He needed to do this alone so the parents couldn't stop it or be harmed during the process. He walked up the stairs to the bedroom with a determined set of his shoulders. He entered the bedroom and watched as the kid skittered across the walls and into the shadows.

Tobias stepped forward while the demo shouted in latin. He was unphased by its words as the boy lunged at him but he quickly overpowered him and tied him to the bed. He hurriedly took out the necklace and holy water and began the ritual.

Abandoned Factory, Tennessee

Esmeray set down her bowie knife while she looked over at the man she had tied to a chair. She noticed he was looking at her and her eyes took in his bleeding chest carved by the knife from their earlier battle.

"I told you, I know nothing 'bout no little girl," he stated as he spart some blood onto the floor, glaring at Esmeray and showing his fangs which made her laugh.

"Nice try blood sucker, but I know you and that coven of yours like to prey on innocent girls," Esmeray countered, taking out a small glass bottle from her pocket. She uncorked the top and tipped it, pouring the Vervain concoction onto the vampire's face and burning him. She didn't let up even while he screamed in pain.

"Alright alright, I'll tell you....but you have to let me go," he offered, looking at her as his face steamed from the burns of the Vervain.

She laughed internally as she wasn't born yesterday. "Fat chance," She returned, pouring more of the Vervain on his face and he screamed in pain before telling her everything she needed to know.

"No you'll let me go right?" He asks, a slight look of hope on his face.

Sorry hunny I ain't." Esmeray snorts with a shake of her head, watching the vampire's eyes go wide as she takes her knife. She watched him squirm and beg for mercy before decapitating him. "But you didn't have to lose your head about it," she said, watching his head roll for a few moments before it stopped. She swaggered out of the dark room, leaving the factory to locate and save the girls.

Suburbia, Wisconsin

Tobias got the info he needed and finished the ritual and the boy now lay there sleeping. The parents came in and he explained everything to them and they thanked him for saving their son and tried to pay him but he declined and left the house. He returned to his car and drove back to the hotel, grabbing all his belongings before cruising out of town and heading to his next destination. He kept track of his journey with the GPS on his dash, listening to his Spotify playlist as he got onto the freeway and headed out of the state.

Abandoned Warehouse, Tennessee

The floor was soaked with thick red blood and the bodies of many vampires laid decapitated all along the halls.

Esmeray admired her work and wiped the blood off her blade, groaning to herself as she noticed she had some on her shirt and pants. She took the metal stairwell and made it downstairs, finding the girls chained upside down and crying. She made quick work of searching for the key and unlocked the chains. She gently got them all down and led them back outside. Over the course of the next few hours, she returned every girl to their respective houses, knowing their parents were waiting and praying for their return. Once she dropped off the last girl, she put in the coordinates of her next job into the GPS and loaded her playlist titled 'SAVAGE' and sped onto the freeway and left the state behind her without a backward glance or regrets.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now