Chapter Eighteen

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Centralia, Pennsylvania

Abbadon lifted Tobias off his feet with ease as she squeezed his throat tightly as he gasped for air as he looked at her. "What no smart ass remarks? No more bullshit?" She questioned him with a smirk on her face as she knew he couldn't answer. "What cat got your tongue?" She said as she taunted him some more. He said something she couldn't understand. She pulled him closer to her "go on repeat what you just said asshole" she said as Tobias punched her in the face and kicked off her chest and got out of her grip.

"I said you talk too damn much. Now shut the hell up and fight me." Tobias said as he chuckled and wiped the blood from his mouth and got to his feet as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a vial of holy water. Before he could use it Abbadon knocked it from his hand as she swung with a left hook but Tobias ducked under and jabbed her in the ribs twice before she backflipped and kicked him in the chin as the force lifted him into the air as she then spartan kicked him into the wall with her super strength. Tobias landed with a grunt as she looked up as a wave of energy went through the area and he knew right away Esmeray had found the supernatural that caused the mind controlling. Abbadon growled in anger as she sped over to him as she lifted him back into the air by the throat and slowly broke the left side of his ribcage as he screamed out in pain as she laughed cruelly.

"All that bravado is gone now ain't it. You know we ain't supposed to kill you but imma say fuck it" she said as she reached back with her hand pointed at him. She then plunders her fingers into his chest as she ripped past the muscles as she held his beating heart in her hand as Tobias looked down as blood came out of his mouth as he saw her hand inside his chest.

In the moment the door flung open as Esmeray looked on in horror as she screamed loudly in terror and pain. Soon her eyes began glowing as a white aura formed around her as Abbadon let go of his heart and dropped him to the floor.

"What the hell are you?!" She exclaimed in terror as she tried to smoke out of her vessel but Esmeray appeared quickly in front of her as if she teleported and grabbed her by the mouth so she couldn't escape.

"Your worst nightmare bitch." Said Esmeray as Abbadon tried to fight her off but it had no effect as Esmeray placed her palm on her forehead as it glowed white with energy as it pulsated through Abbadon as she flickered out and her vessel fell to the floor. Her eyes returned to normal as the aura went away. She then gasped and hurried over to Tobias who was bleeding out on the floor. She knelt down beside him as down tears fell from her cheeks.

"H-hey beautiful you s-saved the people." He managed to get out as he coughed and looked up at her as he could see the fear and sadness in her eyes. He reached and cupped her cheek.

"Conserve your strength. We gotta get you to a hospital." She said but she knew there wasn't one for miles as the down was getting back to being the ghost town that it was before.

"D-dont worry bout me. I know where I'm going….I'm j-just glad I found you." He said softly as he closed his eyes and his hand fell to the floor with a soft thud. He laid there motionless.

"No no no….please don't leave me." She cried out as she leaned over his chest as she sobbed. She sat there as tears fell from her eyes as she felt something pulsate through her one more as she blinked quickly as her eyes began to glow white once again as her palms glowed sending energy into Tobais body as she could hear his ribs cracking back into place as they healed. She watched as she could see his muscles and skin tissue reconnecting itself as his wound healed. Then seconds later the aura disappeared as Tobais gasped for air and sat up quickly.

"How am I back?" asked Tobias as he looked around before he felt Esmeray hugged him tightly as he heard her soft cries. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. He was back but didn't understand how but he wasn't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. His hands rubbed her back as he kissed the top of her head. After a few moments they stood up as they shared a look between themselves. "Where's Abbadon? Did you bring me back?" He asked curiously as she had this look of confusion on her face.

She pointed at the fallen vessel Abbadon had "I killed her but I don't know how and then I brought you back and I don't know how. What am I?" asked Esmeray as Tobias pulled her into another big hug.

"You are you. That's all" he said softly as he knew Uriel had the answers but wasn't sure he could get in touch with her after what he saw before at the hotel. He took her by the hand and walked out of City Hall and to her car as they got into the car as Esmeray drove off as they headed to the closest hotel they could find as they laid in bed together cuddling close as they thought about what to do next.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now