Chapter Five

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Carson City, Indiana

Abandoned Farmhouse

Tobias and Esmeray shared a look as they both started to take the lead but in different ways. "What are you doing? Follow me you dingbat. We need to see what that noise was." She said in an annoyed tone as he glared at her and growled softly.

"But the Intel says there could be victims in the house." He said protesting against her leadership as he never followed anyone before. He stood his ground " Look you came along with me. This is my job so you will do as I say." He glared at her not moving from his position.

She sighed with irritation as she glared back at him "Yeah but you asked for my help and this is me giving that help. It would be best to check out the damn barn...fuck this I'm going with or with out you." She said as she stormed off towards the barn.

He stood there and watched her for a second before glad back at the house. He then chuckled to himself as he never met such a head strong alpha woman before. He quickly got his sour look back on his face as he caught up with her and then walked past her "I ain't following you. I just happen to be heading the same way." He said as he doesn't make eye contact.

They both walked down the dirt path towards the barn as they stopped at the big double doors as they heard a loud bang once again. They slipped into the crack of the door so not to cause any sound as it was dark inside. Tobias found a small oil lantern on a barrel as he opened the match box beside it and struck the match. He turned the oil knob up to max so they see more. There was blood everywhere, some fresh and some dried. They continued to look around as the loud bang came from behind one of the stall doors. Esmeray pulled out her gun as she pointed it at the door and nodded for Tobias to open it. He gave her a look as he drew his gun and mouthed "Hands are full you get it" he said as he held the lantern up as she shook her head and rolled her eyes. She pulled the door open as a young colt came barreling through them and took off running out of the barn. They both let out a large sigh and Tobias laughed some as he shook his head. He then knelt down besides the large pools of blood as he stared at the animal carcasses that were stripped to the bone. There were some horses and even a few goats. He then looked at the walls as he had a hunch. He nodded at Esmeray who turned around as they saw a symbol on the wall made in blood with some chicken slaughtered and nailed around the symbol.

"Who the fuck would do that to animals?" Esmeray asked out loud as she shook her head in disgust as she walked out of the barn to get some fresh air. She looked up at the moon as it was half full tonight. If she saw one comfort tonight it would be the clear night sky. The stars looked so beautiful. Tobias stared at the symbol on the wall for a few moments before leaving the barn as well. "What's that symbol on the wall mean?" Asked Esmeray as she never seen one like it before but could tell he recognized it by the way he looked at it.

"Nothing good....Come on let's go to the house." Tobias said in a stoic tone as he walked off towards the house they passed on the way to the barn. She sighed as that wasn't the answer she wanted but she followed him down the pathway to the house anyways. They got to the front door, as Tobias reached for it the door opened by itself creaking slowly. They exchanged looks as they took a step into the house using the lantern to light their way once more. Once they took a few more steps inside the door slammed shut behind them.

"Holy fuck" she exclaimed softly as she took a deep breath before scanning the room as the lantern light flickered. The furniture looked rotten and unused for years. They started to sweep the first floor. Esmeray checked out the kitchen, and backroom while Tobias checked the bathroom, and living room. Once they were cleared they stopped at the foot of the stairs as a small red child's ball bounced down them but when they looked up nothing was there but they could hear the faint sound of voices.

They walked up the creaky stairs as they kept an eye out for anything. "It's coming from down that hall" Tobias whispered softly as they reached the top of the landing. Esmeray nodded as she kept her gun drawn as she took point. They walked quietly and carefully. They soon arrived at the door but as Esmeray reached for the door knob the voices stopped as silence filled the air. She looked at Tobias who nodded at the door so she opened it as the two walked into a gruesome sight.

There were six bodies lying in a pool of blood on the floor as the man Tobias recognized was being held in the air by his throat. Before any of the two could react the room filled with the sound of his neck being snapped as the body dropped to the floor revealing his attacker. There stood a man with a half smirk on his face as the door behind them slammed shut and the lantern went out leaving the room dark. But half full of moonlight from the window. The man stared Tobias down who looked both unnerved but pissed as Esmeray observed his face for a moment. "Alastair" said Tobias with a heavy tone.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now