Chapter Three

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Carson City, Indiana

Blood Rave Night Club

Esmeray continued to make small talk with Cornelius even let him get a little handsy as they sat on the couch. She kept an eye on every passing vampire that came through the VIP lounge as well as she kept her ear to every conversation they were having while she pretended to have fun with the conversation with Cornelius. If he grabbed her thigh one more time she would be tempted to stab his hand. Cornelius reached up and tucked her raven hair behind her ear and it made her skin crawl and she froze, a memory from days gone by flashing across her mind for a split second.

"Is something the matter my pet?" He asked as he looked at her with a stoic grin as she shook her head. "Good. Now let's have a good time." He said as he leaned to kiss her and she ducked to the side and stood up walking back to the railing. She let her eyes wander the dance floor while she steeled herself again. She spotted the same guy from earlier looking around as if he was trying to find someone. She then noticed that the back and front doors of the club were being locked by the bouncers. Her back muscles tensed as she felt a hand press into it as she looked over and saw Cornelius smirking at her once again. 

Tobias looked around for his target as he took a drink of his Jack and Coke. He took a deep breath as he found a man across the room with a star shaped tattoo on his neck. He set the glass down on the table just as body crashed through the table and fell through it and onto the floor. "What the fuck?" He said aloud as he stood up. He looked up and saw a couple more bodies get flung over the railing and  landed the ground with loud crackles of their bones. They stood back up and cracked their bones back in place as people began to scream and tried to rush to the doors which caused Tobias to lose vizual on his target as the sprinkler system started spraying blood onto everyone. "Damn it!" He exclaimed in frustration. He quickly free his gun and loaded U.V. rounds as he could tell them were vampires. He shot the one in front him with two to the chest watching him turn to ash. The echoes of the shots cause more panic among the crowd of people blocked at the exits. He tried to scan for his target when he got side swiped by a vampire and tackled to the floor.

Esmeray had just finished throwing the men over the railing as she looked at Cornelius "Your reign of terror ends here you pig" she said as she heard screams and gunshots from below. Cornelius just laughed at her as he licked the blood from his lip from her impressive right cross. He ran and tackled her onto the sofa, pinning her to it. He smirked at her as he grinded against her but then his look turned sour as she kneed him in the groin "Cup check asshole." She said as she pulled out her bowie knife from it's holster and stabbed him in the chest but barely missed his heart as he rolled into the floor as he grunted in pain.

"You bitch….you're a Jaeger." He said as he realized she had played him for a fool this whole time. He hit the floor in frustration as turns to flee jumping over the railing but was left dangling in the air as Esmeray quickly lassoed some cord around his ankle. She laughed as she looked over at him. 

"Just hang around a bit hunny. I'll be right back." She said as she ran downstairs to the closest exit, as she quickly decapitated a vampire bouncer and unlocked the back down as people ran out screaming. She turned to the floor stained with blood from the sprinklers as she saw the man from earlier fighting back. She could only assume he was another Jaeger like her. She quickly vaulted over a booth and roundhouse kicked a vampire in the face, sending him flying over the bar.

"I could have handled it" he said as he quickly reloaded his gun as he reached over the bar and shit the vampire dead. He looked around and saw the place was empty and his target nowhere to be seen. He turned and flared at the woman even though she just helped him. "Great cause of you I've lost him." He said as he stormed past her and into the parking lot. 

"You're welcome asshole" she said under her breath as she looked over and saw Cornelius still hanging upside down from the balcony. "You missed one idiot" she said about the man as she walked over with her bowie knife in hand. Before he could even speak she decapitated him and then walked out of the Club. She looked over as she saw him cursing up a storm as in the panic his car was wrecked by a large truck. She couldn't help but laugh to herself as she got to her car and climbed inside. She turned the key and started to drive off as she slammed on her break as the man jumped in front of her.

"Hey you I -" he stopped as he saw her interior. It was black and yellow and had an autobot decal. He recognized it as the character Bumblebee and scoffed to himself as he realized what Uriel meant. "I need your help." He said calmly as he looked at her still stern. He had carried what bags he could salvage from the wreck.

"Ugh fine get in." She said half annoyed as he claimed into the passenger seat and buckled up. She then drove off to find a hotel to sleep for the night since the job was done. The drive was silent as they pulled into a parking lot. The both got out and walked to the window as they then tried to speak over each other. Both of their Alpha-like personalities were already at odds. Tobias grunts as he lets her talk. Moments later they both sighed in frustration as there was only one room left and it was a single bed. They split the cost and carried their things to the room. They each took turns taking a shower and getting cleaned up as they played a quick game of poker to see who gets the best and Tobias lost so he slept on the couch while Esmeray slept in the bed.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now