Chapter Twenty Five

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Washington DC

Abandoned Cabin

Tobias stood there uneasy as he watched the phantasm smirk at him. "Don't look so shocked.I am your ancestor after all. Call me Jeremiah Matheson." He said as he walked back and forth as he studied Tobias. "You see our family has had a history of butchers starting with me. I made a pact and in doing so it granted me a lifetime of victims. That was until I met my unfortunate end by down self righteous cretens you call Jaegers now. But it was in death that I realized I was even more powerful than before. I could continue my work uninterrupted….until now." Said Jeremiah as he watched Tobias's reactions as he spoke.

"Go on." Said Tobias as he watched his ancestor pace back and forth while he spoke to him. 

"I've had countless sacrifices with my new power. Campers and lost souls from many decades come to these woods and fall prey to me. But I digress what I want you to realize is you have this same instinct inside you. Why do you think you're the perfect vessel for him. You have me to thank for that." Added Jeremiah. "Then your wretched, no good redemption seeking parents had to go and muck it all up." He said with a distaste in his mouth as he flickered in and out of his corporeal state for a moment before he calmed himself. "Right their wrong and get our legacy back on track. You ain't as self righteous as you may think I can feel the hint of the original darkness in our family inside you. Waiting to be released." He said as he smirked at him once again. "Mull it over while I deal with your friend." He said as he vanished.

Esmeray was searching the back room checking the floorboards when a chair flew across the room and barely missed her as it smashed into pieces against the wall. She looked and saw the phantom flickering in the doorway. He grinned evilly at her as she saw some of Tobias's features in him. "Let these spirits go asshole." She said firmly as he sent another chair at her. She dodged it easily as it smashed against the wall as well.

"Impudent wrench. You'll join my collection." He spat out as the cabin began to rumble and shake. Esmeray quickly took her sawed off shotgun from her back holster and fired a shot of rock salt at him. Which caused him to disappear for the moment as the cabin calmed back down. She knew she didn't have long as she kept on with her search. She checked room after room as he came back and pinned her against the wall with a table. She winced in pain as it dug into her abdomen. "Time to die and join the others upstairs." He said menacingly as Esmeray spat at him showing no fear. "Finally one who doesn't whine or scream for mercy." He said as he levitated four butcher knives in front of her.

But before he could finish the attack on her he screamed as he burst into flames before he flickered out of existence. The table that had been pressing into her fell limp against the floor as Tobias entered the room moments later with dirty hands. "You okay? His remains were in the basement." He said as the air got lighter and Esmeray's angel half could feel the spirits as they crossed over. Happy they were at peace finally.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why did he look like you?" She asked as he shook his head.

"Long story I'll tell you later let's go get those Alphas." He said as he kissed her forehead and they left the cabin. They traveled deeper into the dense forest until they found more blood stains on the trees and grass. "It's like they aren't even hiding a trail of blood." said Tobias as he looked at Esmeray.

"Let's hurry. That ghost killed too much of our time." She said as they followed the blood to a cave formation like Esmeray had mentioned hours earlier. They both readied their weapons and walked deeper into the cave. "If the lore is right. We kill them and every vampire and werewolf dies with them." She whispered. Tobias nodded as that would help make the world a safer place for a while. They continued until they reached a chamber with a large altar in the middle. Upon closer inspection they saw six stones placed in small recesses. "They haven't found the last one yet" she whispered.

"Oh but we have." Said a voice behind them as they turned to see a pale man and a massive bipedal lycanthrope who was holding the last seal. "We will wake our mother but first we kill you." He said as he used his vampire speed to push across the floor by surprise as the lycan slashed at Tobias who ducked under and moved away. He tried to shoot the UV rounds he had at the vampire but the alpha lycan blocked the shots and regenerated the wounds quickly. Then quickly roared as he picked up Tobias by his shoulder. The vampire pinned Esmeray to the wall "don't worry it won't hurt...much" he said as he sank his fangs into her neck as began to drink her blood. Tobias watched in horror before the vampire reared back in shock as he started coughing and vomited some of the blood up as he convulsed and suddenly stopped. Esmeray walked over and knelt down beside him as he felt his skin was warm to the touch and he had a pulse. She looked at the lycan who set Tobias down. He walked over to her and growled softly as he licked off her neck tasting her blood willingly as he soon reverted to a form he hadn't had in centuries. 

"You're a Nephilim" he said softly. "Only a rare creature as you can heal a monster's affliction." He explained. "Take the seals, destroy them, hide them I don't care." He said as they both looked at him confused as to why he was helping them. "Living as long as I have it grew weary being a monster. I never enjoyed it. We're only trying to revive her for a demon Asmodeus. He has plans for your world. But now that me and that asshat over there are human now you just cured two entire species. Go save your world. I'll handle him when he wakes up." He added.

Esmeray's and Tobias took the seals and placed them in his backpack to be disposed of later. They walked out of the cave. He looked at her and smiled as he kissed her lips softly. "Your blood can cure supernatural creatures?" Asked Tobias in shock of the revelation of it.

She kissed him back just as softly as she thought for a moment. "Apparently. I wish I knew more of what I could do. My abilities seem to do as they please." She admitted as they walked out of the forest and towards a small hotel so they could rest for the rest of the night before they continued their last mission.

As they laid there in each other's arms Tobias could help but think about what Jeremiah had told him about his lineage. Was he truly destined to be evil? He thought to himself as he watched Esmeray sleep for a moment.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now