Chapter Thirteen

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Reno, Nevada

Tobias woke up and looked at the clock. He got out of bed and got a drink of water from the kitchen. He walked back into the guest bedroom and laid on top of the sheets and blankets as he started up at the ceiling. He sighed softly as a familiar urge flowed through him as he grained softly in anguish as Esmeray wasn't there to satisfy his needs. He sighed softly as he closed his eyes as he pulled his half erect member out of the seam of his boxers as he pictured Esmeray's beautiful naked body on his. Picturing all her gorgeous curves and beautiful features as he began stroking firmly and slowly. He began to imagine her satisfying him with that body as his hand moved slowly from his base to his tip as he could feel himself grow and thicken with each intense stroke. He began to fuss and squirm with each stroke. He shifted on the bed as his mind raced with her. His senses began to fill with her touch, her sounds, her beauty. He could feel he was gonna reach his peak soon as he throbbed and ached for her. His hand moved from his base to tip strongly and firmly. He pictured the faces she would be making if he was with her right in this moment in time. The way her mouth parts in silent pleasure. He could feel himself just about to release.

Soon the door creaked open "hey man do you want any...oh my god what are you doing?!" Exclaimed Jason as Tobias opened his eyes in shock and fell off the bed as he pulled the blanket with him to cover himself up. Jason quickly shut the door as he was horrified at what he just saw. "There's coffee ready whenever you finish ruining my blankets." He said walking off to the living room wanting to forget what he just saw.

Tobias sighed as he got dressed without finishing. He then walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen as he grabbed a mug and made some coffee. He walked into the room with Jason as they shared an awkward glance as Jason coughed. "I'm still downloading the information on Asmodeus but for now we have the location of another one of his lieutenants, Abbadon. If you get to her like you did Alistair you'll get his attention soon enough. Then we can save your sister." Said Jason as he handed Tobias a small usb flash drive to look at later.

"Thank you Jace." said Tobias as they finished the rest of their coffee. They then got up off the couch and Tobias put the drive in his pocket. Jason walked him to the front door.

"I'll contact you when I've got more info for you Toby. Stay safe man. Demons are far worse than what Jaegers deal with. Still don't know why you joined " Said Jason as Tobias noded and they gave a bro fist bump.

"They ain't so bad man. They keep the mundanes safe from other threats. I've seen some pretty bad creatures out there but I know what you mean. You stay safe too." Said Tobias as he walked to his car and drove off heading back to Vegas. He knew it would be a few hours til he got there.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Tobias arrived at the car rental place and paid for it as he walked to the hotel. He arrived at the hotel not long after and walked in to see it was empty. He saw a small post-it note on the tv. Hey Asshole you took too long coming back so I'm at the bar cause a girl's gotta eat. Tobias chuckled as he read it in her voice with her attitude. He put the note down and left the hotel. He walked down the street as he looked up and stared at the beautiful clear sky as the sun shined brightly. He gave some money to each of the street performers and musicians he passed by as he thought art in any form was phenomenal. They each thanked him as he got to the parking lot of Angel Grove Bar and Grill. He sighed and chuckled as he walked up to the front door and entered the establishment.

He scanned the bar interior as his smirk left his face when his eyes reached her. All he could see was the back of her but he knew it was her. He watched for a moment as she was talking to another male jaeger. They were laughing and smiling. He saw the man kept putting his hand on her waist and shoulder as they shared a drink. Tobias' body pulsed with a new feeling he never felt before as he growled to himself softly but deeply. He saw the guy step back from Esmeray to reach for the bowl of pretzels on the bar. Tobias took this opportunity to walk up behind Esmeray and pressed against her as his arm wrapped around her waist. He felt her body tense against his as turned her head by the chin with his other hand and kissed her lips deeply with a heated passion. The kiss lasted only a moment as Tobias growled softly glaring at the man. "We have a job to do come on" he said as he walked out without looking back.

Esmeray was standing there shocked and dumbfounded as she could still feel the heat on her lips as she looked as the guy walked away grumbling to himself. "What the actual fuck?" She said out loud to herself as she walked out of the bar and saw Tobias leaning against the passenger side of her car. She unlocked the door and they both got in. She didn't say anything for a moment as her mind raced with several questions and confusion. She started the car and drove towards the casino as the poker tournament sign ups were soon.

"What did you learn?" Tobias asked as he kept the subject off of the matter that just happened. She could hear his tone was different.

"Their security is good but not great and they plan on sacrificing a virgin at the end of the tournament to bless their cult with a good bounty." She replied as she glanced over at him. There was something different about him.

"Then we better make sure that doesn't happen. " He said as he glanced at her before looking out the window as they arrived in the parking lot. Tobias put the flash drive in her glove box and would explain it to her later. Right now he was focused on the job.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now