Chapter Four

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Carson City, Indiana

Hotel Room

Tobias stretched as he looked at the clock on the nightstand by the bed that girl was sleeping on. It read five AM. He was still kinda aggravated that he had to sleep on the couch. He could swear she cheated at the game cause she didn't want the couch. He sat up and yawned "Ah fuck it." He said quietly. He stretched again as he stood up and stripped naked and walked into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. He turned on the hot water as he let it run down his skin. He hummed softly as it felt nice as he used the 3 in 1 Dark Temptation axe shower gel. He began singing the theme song to teenage mutant ninja turtles as he hadn't silences.

Esmeray woke up and stretched as she sat up on the edge of the bed she turned her head towards the bathroom as the door was wide open. She stood up just as the guy came out stark naked as she couldn't help but stare for a moment. "Liking the angle of the dangle?" He asked her as she looked away. She huffed as he walked back to the couch and grabbed fresh clothes and put them on.

"No boundaries huh" she said as she grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom and shut the door. As she walked past him she got a big scent of his axe shower gel as it stirred a fire inside her but she quickly pushed it away. She quickly stripped of her dirty clothes as she got into the shower and began cleaning herself as she enjoyed the hot water. She cleaned her long raven hair.

He finished dressing as he left the hotel room to the Denny's down the street. He was starving and they were the only twenty four hour restaurant in the town. She came out moments later as she saw she was alone and she quickly started going through his bags as she didn't trust the guy. She found a locked journal with some latin on it but left it alone as she laid on the bed and turned on the television and put on some Amazing World of Gumball. She enjoyed the show even as an adult.

About thirty minutes later Tobias came back into the room as he saw her nicer look turn stoic as he laughed himself. "I ain't gonna do nothing don't worry. Here got you something" he said with a matter of fact tone as he tossed a bag of food to her as she caught it with a grunt. He then pulls out his chicken fried steak and eggs. She looked in her back and saw he got her the bacon slamwhich. He then hands her a to go cup as he sat back down and drank some of his orange juice. She took a sip and was surprised to taste chocolate milk. She smiled to herself as she ate her meal. She wasn't gonna show him that she was happy about the choice of drink.

After moments of eating in silence Tobias looked over at her "Look I'mma cut to the chase. I don't normally take on partners and I'm pretty much a lone wolf but....I need help for a job in working." He said as he didn't reveal everything but he wasn't lying either he needed help. She looked into his eyes as if to see if he was sincere. She could tell he was. She then thinks for a few moments and then nods softly.

"Sure I'll help you. After all you'll need my car" she jabbed and laughed at the look he gave her as they then finished their meal and got into her car as they drove off. Tobias thought for a moment as he asked her to just drive around town while he gets his bearings. Wondering if the man was a local or not. After about an hour of driving around he asked her to park at the local police department as she was gonna take his chances.

"I'll be right back. Shouldn't take long." He said as he got out and walked inside the station. He walked to the counter pretending to be a federal agent as he wanted to speak to the sheriff. He was told to wait a moment as he was in a meeting. He grunts in frustration as the meeting got over and he walked into the office and shut the door behind him.

Esmeray was listening to music as she was the town's people going about their day as she watched Tobias as he came back and got into the car as he looked over at her "Alright abandoned farmhouse edge of town. Best to go by nightfall so we have time to kill if you wanna handle anything while we are out and about" he said as she nods and drives away.

Hours Later
Abandoned Farmhouse

They arrived at the dirt road as Esmeray turned the lights off so they wouldn't be seen while they approached the old creepy looking farmhouse. The property looked run down and abandoned. They looked at each other and nodded as they got out and began walking around the property to get a lay of the land and do some recon. They looked over as there was a loud noise heard from the barn. They looked at each other as they thought about splitting up and handling both building as they were used to working alone.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now