Chapter Ten

14 7 71

Las Vegas, Nevada

Tobias had woken up and checked the clock and saw it was five thirty in the morning. He still felt somewhat out of it from yesterday's attack. He tried to keep the images he saw out of his head. He yawned quietly as he looked over and saw Esmeray still sleeping peacefully. He got up off the couch and quietly got a change of clothes from his duffel bag. He quickly changed and left the hotel room and walked down the street and into the lobby of the Luxord Casino and sat down at the Roulette table and started betting as he ordered a drink. After about an hour and five hundred dollars later Tobias left the table and went back to the Angel Grove Bar and Grill. He ordered their biscuits and gravy with a large side of hashbrowns, a slab of ham, and a plate bacon. He also got a glass of orange juice. Once his food got to him it didn't take long for him to chow it all down. He left a tip and went.back to the hotel room. He entered quietly as he saw it was a little past seven thirty and Esmeray was still asleep. He walked into the bathroom and splashed water on his face. He sighed softly as he soon felt an urge flow through his body. He chuckled as he debated if he should use her as she used him. He walked out and soon stripped himself of all his clothing as he walked over to her bed and pulled the blankets to the side. He looked down at her as she laid there in her tank top and panties. He crawled into bed as she was sprawled comfortably. He positioned himself over her without touching her as he watched her for a moment.

Lemon Warning

He soon pressed his lips to her tank top as he felt the fabric as he traced the area around her nipples, soon he felt them both push up into the fabric. She groaned softly as she stirred and squirmed under him. He then leaned over as he nipped along her neck and groaned softly into her ear. "Mmmm wake up, I want you." He said softly as he pulled up to see her eyes flutter awake as he started to grind his large bulge against her panties. The sensation was pleasant to her but she then realized he was in control and that didn't sit well with her for a moment. She looked up at him as he rocked his body against hers. It felt so good but she soon remembered the last time she gave control to someone else. She sat up and pushed him onto his back.

"We still do this my way" she said as she began to grind against him as she straddled his lap. She took off her tank top and tossed it aside as her large full boobs bounced in place. Before she could speak his face was between them, he kissed and suckles small hickies in the area between them as his hands cupped her boobs. He massaged her nipples between his index and middle fingers which earned him a loud gasp from her as she reached down and moved the panties to the side. He then pushed his large heated thickness deep inside to his base. She moaned out as she began to move her hips back and forth as she started to ride him. She pushed him back down as he was getting handsy. He looked up at her as her long raven hair flowed from her shoulders as he felt her tight, moist, walls stretch and take him inside over and over again. After a few moments he rolled her onto her back with him on top of her. He held himself up with his hands on each side of her head. His chest hovered above hers.

"Trust me" he said softly as he looked into her eyes as he felt her tensed up muscles relax as she gave him control. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to thrust deeply inside her. Feeling his hips spread hers as he rocked agaisnt her. She moaned with each thrust as she looked up at him, not wanting to break her rule and touch him so she put her hands above her head. She felt him push deeper and quicker with each thrust. She could feel her walls spasm as he slid in and out. A heated sensation building up inside her as her lips parted in silent pleasure. Tobias groaned and grunted with each alpha like thrust, he felt his own heat rising inside himself. He quickened the pace as he soon felt her grip the sheet as her pleasure peeked all around him. He soon pulled out and sprayed her stomach once more as some of his spill touched her abdomen. She looked at him annoyed as she pushed him off her.

Lemon Over

"Dammit I said on the sheets" she declared as she watched into the bathroom and took a shower to clean herself up. He sat there for a moment and chuckled as he wasn't gonna ever not claim her like that. In his mind she was his. He walked into the bathroom as he started to brush his teeth. He looked over at the curtain and chuckled.

"So are we friends with benefits? But like just for sex? No kissing or nothing like that?" He asked as he figured if they were gonna use each other they might as well make it something. He spat and rinsed his mouth with mouthwash as he waited for her answer.

She thought for a moment at his question. She still couldn't believe she gave him control like that. But maybe a mural beneficial no strings attached relationship was good for them. "Alright sure. But we ain't exclusive and I can see other guys if I want" she added as she wasn't gonna be tied down.

"Okay deal. By the way I already ate and I'm down five hundred bucks so gas is on you" he said chuckling as he walked out of the bathroom and went and got dressed.

"Oh you fucking asshole" she called out as she finished her shower and got dressed herself as she left to go get her own bit to eat leaving him there alone. He sat on the couch as he reached in his duffle bag and grabbed the old leather bound book. He unlocked it and opened it. He began to read it as he whispered to himself while doing so. His thoughts traveled back in time as he couldn't help but think about his sister once more.

He pulled her picture from the book and looked at it with a serious look on his face. "Whatever it takes. I'll get you back." he said out loud as he put it back and shut the book. He locked it and put it back in his duffle bag as he soon booted up his laptop and started to get blueprints of the casino the poker tournament was gonna be at. He sighed softly as he tried to shift his thoughts elsewhere.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now