Chapter Twenty One

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Rockville, Maryland

Tobias was in a room shrouded with darkness as he kept hearing the piercing screams of his sister echoing in his ears. He turned to the left as he saw his sister knelt on the ground screaming for him as he took a step toward her as a man appeared in a puff of red smoke beside her. "Get the hell away from her!" He should as the man smirked and transformed into his true form.

"Her soul is mine." He growled as he snapped his fingers and his sister burst into flames screaming for him to save her as she turned to ash.

Tobais jolted awake as he breathed heavily as it took him a moment to realize he was in the hotel and it was all a bad dream. He glanced over at Esmeray who was sleeping peacefully next to him and smiled. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed heavily. He laid back down and snuggled back into her as he closed his eyes and prayed he didn't have to see that again before he drifted back to sleep.

Washington D.C., Maryland

A tall, slender, raven haired, charming man sat behind a desk in an office as he spoke on the phone. "Yes General Eckhart I can give you what you need from the weapons vault in Tehran, you know what I want in exchange. You have until the end of the day." He said before ending the call and answering another as he started speaking german. "Yes I can help you get rid of the american scum. You know what I desire General Mikhail." He said as he hung up that call and laid back in his chair as he smirked to himself. He stood up and walked over to a board on his wall as he drew a circle on two different locations and had arrows pointed to others. There were several on this map of the world. 

The door to the office opened as he turned around "Sir there's something you should know" said the man at the door as he looked scared.

"Abbadon has been killed. I felt it. Seems like little Tobias is finally getting ballsy" he said with a smirk as he walks out of the office and down the hallway "Go fetch me Belial and Samael. I'll be with our guest." He ordered. 

"Yes Lord Asmodeus" said the man walking off quickly as Asmodeus got into the elevator and took it to the basement as he walked into a small room as he glanced over to a young woman sitting on a bed as she glared at him. "Over a year and you still have the same look on your face." He taunted her as he walked closer.

"What do you want?" She asked, glaring at him with hatred as she tugged at the ethereal chain coming from the wall. She had been chained to this wall for what seemed like an eternity.

"You too lose that attitude, miss bitch. Gonna blame anyone for your predicament, blame your parents. They are the ones who broke their pact with me" he said as he could see a quick flash of remorse and guilt on her face which made him smirk. "Your brother is here in D.C. but don't worry he won't be saving you. He will be my vessel and I will rule and create my Hell on Earth." He said as he could see the flash of hope dad away.

"He will stop you and then he will kill your arrogant sanctimonious ass." She said with a confident tone in her voice as she smirked herself. She hadn't seen him since that night but she never lost faith in her older brother. He always came through when it came to her when they were growing up.

"We will see dollface. We will see." He said as his eyes flashed a crimson red. He could see the hint of fear in her eyes. Before he could taunt her more the door opened and two men came into the room as he turned and smirked looking at the last of his lieutenants. They stood there menacing and silently as they awaited orders from him. "My vessel is finally in D.C. retrieve him for me and go ahead and kill the baby Nephilim companion he has with him. Don't underestimate them or fail me, you got it." He said with a stern tone at the end. 

"Yes Lord Asmodeus" they said in union as they bowed and then left the room. Asmodeus looked back at the girl as he flashed her a wicked grin and walked out of the room himself.

She sat in the middle of the bed and drew her knees to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them and sighed sadly. "Please save me Toby." She said quietly as a small tear fell from her cheek.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now