Chapter Nineteen

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Tobias had woken up that morning to an empty bed. He stretched and sighed softly as he looked at the clock and sat up as he heard the running water come to a stop as Esmeray came out moments later wrapped snugly in a towel as she dried her hair with a different one. She walked over and kissed his lips softly " Good morning handsome. I needed to clear my head and the water helped with that. I didn't wanna wake you cause you looked so peaceful." She said softly as she walked over to her duffle bag and dropped the towel and started to get dressed.

"Good morning beautiful. It's fine I'm glad the water helped. Are you feeling any better than last night?" Asked Tobias out of genuine concern for her. He watched the towel drop to the floor as he took in all of her beautiful features from her head to her toes.

"Like what you see?" She asked playfully as she pulled up her panties and hooked on her bra. She then pulled up her jeans before she put on her black Led Zeppelin t-shirt. She looked back at him with a playful smirk as she moved her hair from her face with her index finger.

"As a matter of fact I do. I'd even dare to say I love it" said Tobias as he winked at her as he got up and started to get dressed as he got in his jean shorts and white and grey Top Gun t-shirt. He then walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly into a warm embrace as he looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"Awww well I love the view too." Esmeray replied as she loved being in his arms. The thought of her not being human frightened her but she was glad she wasn't going through it alone. That she had support in him. It meant a lot to her.  They laced each other's hands as they walked out of the hotel to find something to eat before leaving town to find their next lead. They walked in a random direction for a few blocks. They eventually found an International House of Pancakes and walked in and waited to take their seats. The hostess took them to their booth as they sat down and ordered orange and chocolate milk respectively. The hostess nodded and walked off as there was a flash of white light and they were joined by a blonde waitress.

"Uriel what are you doing here?" Asked Tobias in surprise as he thought she was for sure gonna be a prisoner from the last time he saw her.

"Who are you?" Asked Esmeray as she wondered who she was as she looked somewhat familiar and did Tobias know her.

"Hi I'm Uriel and I'm an angel. I don't have a lot of time to explain because he doesn't know I escaped but Esmeray as you found out yesterday you are a Nephilim. You half human and half angel." Explained Uriel as she took a glass and poured down water into it before she downed it. She could see the confusion on Esmeray's face. "Actually your half archangel. Your father is Michael. He was charged to observe humans but he saw her mother and fell in love. Then she fell for him and you were born. He knew what he did was forbidden so in order to protect you and her he came back to heaven….I have to go before they notice. Head to Washington DC. Something ain't right there. This might be the last time I can help y'all. Be careful." She said before getting up and headed out of sight as there was another flash of white light.

They both sat there quietly as their food came and they began to eat slowly. Tobais could tell Esmeray was processing everything she was just told. It all made sense now. Why she could never find her dad and how she had those powers. "Nephilim sounds pretty bad ass if you ask me" he said reassuring her as he watched the corners of her mouth form a small smile.

"Thanks….that's half archangel actually." She said in a soft playful way as she ate her pancakes, waffles and french toast.

"I stand corrected ma'am" he said back just as playfully and he ate his scrambled eggs with cheese. They finished their food as they paid and left. They got into her car and drove off as Tobias put in their destination into the GPS as they left Pennsylvania behind them. They had a four hour drive ahead of them but they weren't sure what to expect when they got there. Tobias put on Danger Zone on the stereo and took Esmeray by the hand and kissed it as he smiled at her. What she was didn't change how he felt about her.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now