Chapter Seven

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A couple months had passed since the incident at the abandoned Farmhouse with Alistair. Tobias and Esmeray's partnership had not improved much as they both kept butting heads as they still were not used to listening to or needing a partner. Their fighting skills were flawless but both kept trying to be the alpha in the partnership and it wasn't working.

They worked various jobs together taking out vampires, werewolves, shifters and even a few sirens at the coastline. Tobias hadn't heard from Uriel so he figured he couldn't count on her right now and he was still pissed he gave up his only lead for the moral high ground.

Las Vegas, Nevada

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you that we were to go in silently but no, you wanted to be Mr. Badass and go in guns blazing." Esmeray said annoyed and furious at him as they stood in the middle of their hotel room. She had just finished cleaning her blade and guns as he set down his own duffle bag of equipment as he looked at her with a pissed off expression.

"Well it fucking worked didn't it? Those civilians could have been killed if we did it your way. I ain't one to sit back at wait....but you do admit I'm a badass" he said with half a smirk at the end which infuriated her more as she shook her head and sat on the bed. "Yeah well whatever I'm getting something to eat. You're on your own." He said annoyed as he shut the door behind him as he walked down the crowded strip looking for a TGI Friday's as they had the best burgers in Vegas.

Esmeray sat there for a moment as she shook her head "Fucking moron..." she said under her breath as she soon felt an urge flowed through her she only got once every couple of months. She then grabbed the phone in their room and dialed a number. She hung up and made the proper preparations for when her visitor arrived. She figured she had time since Tobias was going to a restaurant to eat. Once the man showed up she pointed to the bed. "Get undressed, lay down and shut up. There will be no touching or intimacy. Just lay there and I'll do the work." She demanded as the man nodded and did exactly what she said. She began to use and toy with him to get the reaction she wanted before using him.

Tobias walked to the hotel door and took a fry and ate it. He got his key out and opened the door as he entered to loud moaning coming from the bed in the back as he looked over and saw Esmeray on top of a naked man riding the holy hell outta him. He purposely slammed the door alarming the man as they both looked at him as he chuckled. "Damn bet you're wishing I stayed there to eat" he said as he could see her glare at him. He sat on the couch as she continued to ride the man. Tobias watched for a moment "I'm way bigger. You'd stretch to fit me" he said which caused the guy to make an angry face. Esmeray ignored him as she continued to ride the man as she gave him a don't get soft on me look. Tobias then stood up and walked over to the bed as he reached out and moved her hair which made her stiffen some as she didn't expect it. He looked and saw a crescent moon tattoo with a T on her back just under the right shoulder blade. He reached out and traced it with his index and middle finger, moving from the top to the bottom. The gentle feeling sent a wave of arousal through Esmeray's body as she gave an involuntary shudder.

"Come on bro do better than that." He said with a laugh as he walked off back to the couch to finish eating as the man had gone soft as he got up to a very annoyed Esmeray and held out his hand. She laughed and threw him his clothes as she wasn't gonna pay him for a job he didn't do. She slammed and locked the door after he left. She turned and glared at Tobias as she stormed up to him.

"Who the hell do you think you are to barge back in here and ruin my night? God you're so inconsiderate." She spoke loudly and angrily at him. Her eyes locked on his as her eyebrows furrowed. She was livid that he ruined her one night.

"How the hell was I supposed bro know you'd get yourself an escort?! We are sharing the room you know." He countered as he could help but glance down, taking in her slender, athletically toned body and her curvy hips, her long raven hair fell down past her boobs and kept them covered but he could still see their roundness. She was beautiful he'd give her that. He met her eyes once more.

"Um you must have heard it, could walked back out and found some where else to eat but noooo you came in and even interfered in my session. What was that about huh?" She asked coldly.

"Hey not my fault your guy couldn't handle the pressure." He retorted as he could help but laugh at the situation as it was funny to watch that guy fail under her which angered her even more. "Hope you didn't pay up front" he said with a snicker.

"Oh screw you asshole" she exclaimed as she walked up to him. She then slapped him in the face as he couldn't help but smirk afterwards as he never took his eyes off of her.

"Well just saying now we are even" he said as he gave her a look. It took her a moment to realize what he meant as she looked down and saw she was still naked. In the heat of the moment she forgot. She huffed as she quickly grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom locking the door as she took a shower to finish the job the man failed to do. Moments later she came out and Tobias was asleep on the couch. She had half the mind to smack his ass awake but she decided against it.

She left and went to go get her own food. She was walking down the strip when she ran into a blonde woman. They both apologized and went their separate ways. Esmeray sat down at her table and waited for her food as she reached into her pocket and found a note. She opened it up and read the contents inside. She couldn't believe what just felt into her lap just now.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now