Chapter Twenty Six

6 2 22

Washington DC
Old Motel

Tobias had woken up as he looked over at Esmeray as she slept like an angel. He smiled to himself as he leaned over slowly and kissed the top of her head softly and slowly. The sensation caused her to stir a little bit and snuggle closer to him in her sleep. This caused him to smile bigger as he held her in his arms as he slowly rubbed her middle back and shoulder blades. He listened to her soft breathing and low muffled noises as he wondered what she was dreaming about. He held her for a few more tender moments as he then gently and slowly got out of bed so he wouldn't wake her. He walked to the small counter by the bathroom and turned on the coffee pot and filled it with grounded coffee and water. As that started to run through it's brewing cycle he walked into the bathroom and started to run the hot water. The room filled with steam as he undressed and stepped into the shower. He let the hot water hit his head and run down his back and legs as he had his hands pressed against the wall as he was deep in thought. The words of his ancestor Jeremiah Matheson echoed in his head. Could he have been right about me? Do I have darkness lurking deep inside me? He thought as closed his eyes for a moment.

A few quiet moments had passed by when he suddenly felt a pair of soft hands touch his back as he sighed softly. "Hey early bird. Mind if I join you? Hmmm the water feels great. Like a sauna in here." Said Esmeray as she spoke softly as she placed a few soft kisses on his upper back and shoulder blades. She felt his muscles move and twitch under her touch.

"Hey sweetie, I don't mind at all. Hmmmm" he hummed softly as he loved how soft and gentle her touch was as it helped his body and mind relax for once. "That feels good" he whispered softly.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it" she whispered back just as softly. Her hands explored the edges of his shoulders as they traveled down his scared sides as they found their way back up again. He turned around and met her gaze with his own. Both of them stood there quietly for a moment as she placed her hands on his chest. His hands fell to her waistline. They remained quiet for a moment as he leaned in and kissed her lips softly then deeply as he pulled her closer to him as their bodies touched. They both hummed into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Both enjoyed the moment as the hot water ran down their tired bare bodies. They took their time as they lathered and washed each other's bodies. They kissed and shared a few laughs as he turned off the water and they dried off and got dressed. Tobias sat on the couch and sighed as he smiled at her.

"I'll go get us some food. You stay here and relax." she said as she made him a cup of coffee and handed it to him as she kissed his lips softly before she left the hotel room to get them something to eat. He then flipped through the channel before he stopped on an episode of Game of Thrones that just started. "Winter is coming" he said out loud as he chuckled to himself softly as he was the biggest House Stark fan in the world.

Esmeray had planned to get them food but mostly used it as a cover to go find out information on Asmodeus. She got into her car and drove back to the Riverdale Country Club. She parked and looked at the building as she could feel that something was different. Something was off and felt sinister. She walked up to the door as she took a deep breath and walked inside. Immediately an aroma of blood hit her senses and almost tested her gag reflex as she walked in further to see a total blood bath. Corpses of her Jaeger brethren laid out everywhere. Some pinned to the one, others dead on the floor and a half a torso hung from the ceiling fan by its intestines. "What the fuck happened here?" She questioned softly out loud as she walked towards the bar as she heard a noise come from behind it. She leaned over the counter and saw the bartender and he was injured badly. She climbed over and knelt down beside him. "Who did this?" She asked quietly as she looked over his wounds.

Before he could speak a flaming spear crashed through the wall and stabbed him through the chest as he spat out blood from his mouth. He was then pulled through and dragged across the floor as Esmeray looked to see two men standing side by side. She stood up and glared at them both.

"We finally found the baby angel." Said one " Yeah didn't need the bartender anymore after all." Said the other as they were covered in blood as their eyes flashed black.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now