Chapter Fourteen

15 6 47

Las Vegas, Nevada

Tobias and Esmeray looked at each other as he grabbed a pen and drew some fake symbols of the cult. He put one on her neck. He was soft and slow so he wouldn't ness I up. His warm breath touched her skin and caused goosebumps to form on her skin. She stayed still as he finished it. He then pulled down his sleeve and did the same for his shoulder. He then got out of the car as he shut the door and walked into the lobby with Esmeray beside him as they scanned the lobby while they walked into the line to register for the poker tournament. Esmeray saw the same group of guards working that were here last night when she did her recon of the building. The registration took an hour to get through as they and several other members of the cult were escorted through the door she was familiar with. Once they passed it they were led down a hallway and a flight of stairs into a large room filled with five poker tables and an altar against the wall. They had each participating poker player draw a ball from a spinning lottery cage. Esmeray and Tobias had both drawn different numbered balls and sat down at their respective tables.  The head cultist then motioned toward the door as the the dealers from the casino came in and took their seats. He then motioned to another door and two other men came in dragging a young girl into the room. She was kicking and screaming. Pleading for anyone to help her as they tied her to the altar and gagged her mouth as the dealers dealt all the players their cards and the tournament officially started. As time passed Tobias kept an eye on the girl making sure they could get to her and get out as soon as possible. 

Esmeray had won another hand with a full house as she grabbed her large pile of poker chips and quietly hummed to herself as she would notice Tobias looking at the girl as she wished he wouldn't make it so obvious. Round after round went by as members who lost were eliminated left the playing area and went to just sit in the observing area to watch as others continued on. Esmeray made it into the finals as was close to winning the prize money. She figured why not make a buck while saving an innocent.

Tobias had lost in the semi finals of the tournament on purpose so he could move around freely unseen as he had to think of a way to annihilate all of these cultists so they wouldn't do anymore harm to the world than they already have. He slipped into a small storage closet as he heard the crowd of losers talk amongst themselves and get rowdy over the final set of games. He searched the shelves high and low for anything he could use. On the last shelf in the back he found a small wooden box and opened as he gasped in surprise to see three sticks of dynamite inside. "Why the hell do they just have this lying around especially with a lighter inside?" He asked himself out loud. He grabbed the sticks of dynamite and put them in his jacket pocket and the zippo lighter that was in the box with them. He flicked it to make sure it still lit before he shoved it in his other pocket. He then put the box back where he found it and slipped back inside where everyone was standing around as he tried to blend in cause he would have to make sure the exit was clear for Esmeray.

Esmeray looked around the table as it was just her and three other people who made it into the finals. She stayed cool, calm, and collected as the dealer dealt a new hand to each of them. Each card she gained worked more and more in her favor as she kept a stoic face so no one would realize she had a royal flush. 

"I'm all in." Said the burly man at the end of the table as he pushed his pile of chips in the middle. 

"I'll call" said a blonde woman sitting in the middle of the table as she pushed all of her chips in as well.

"I fold" said the skinny man as he tossed his cards and got up from the table and walked to the crowd of losers.

"I'll call" said Esmeray as she pushed in all of her pile of chips to match theirs.

They then each revealed their hands as Esmeray smirked while the other two groaned in defeat. Everybody clapped and cheered for her as the head cultist brought over a briefcase with the prize money and handed it to her before walking to the altar with a dagger in his hand.

"Now we sacrifice this virgin. May her blood bring riches to us all." He said as he raised the dagger above his head but before he could strike her down Esmeray had bashed him in the back of the head with the briefcase. She picked up the dagger and cut the girl free as the mob of cultists ran at her. She and the girl managed to avoid capture as they ran through the open door as Tobias quickly lit two sticks of dynamite and tossed them at the group as they screamed in horror. He quickly locked the door and shut it. Jamming the last one I see it as he lit it and they all ran back up into the casino. Once the got to the main floor they ducked inside a bathroom as the explosion went off and rocked the base of the casino. It had caused people to scream and run out the door which they used as a distraction to head out the back. 

They got the girl to safety and Esmeray gave her half of the prize money and told her to beat it. Tobias and Esmeray made it back to the car and drove to the hotel where they washed off the fake tattoos and got ready for bed. 

Esmeray was laying in the middle like she always did when Tobias came around and looked at her. "Scoot over I'm tired of sleeping on the couch."

He said as he pulled the blackest back as Esmeray looked back at him and she thought about it for a moment. "Ugh fine. Just stay on your half….and tomorrow we need to talk, you got it. " she said in a demanding tone.

Tobias climbed in and chuckled as he turned the light off and pulled the blankets over himself. "Why do you always have to be in control and tell me what to do. Especially in bed?." He said as he turned on his side and faced away from her as he closed his eyes.

"I'll tell you in the morning. Now shut up I'm trying to sleep." She said as she faced away from him as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. They both drifted to sleep.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now