Chapter Eight

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Las Vegas, Nevada

Esmeray sat there for a moment as she stuffed the paper into her pocket. The waitress brought her food and drink and walked away. She sat there and ate her zesty nachos with her Dr. Pepper. Once she finished she left the money with tip omg the table and walked out of the restaurant and back into the crowded strip. She was never one for big cities but it was nice seeing people enjoying their lives and having fun on the streets of Las Vegas. She put her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and walked quickly down the street through the crowds of people. She made it back to the hotel room as shut shut, locked, and latched the door shut. She walked to the bed and sat on the edge of it as she thought to herself for a moment. Soon the all too familiar urge pulsed through her body as she let out a silent groan. It seems she didn't finish earlier like she thought she did. She reached in her jeans and felt herself moist. She sighed in frustration as he looked over at Tobias sleeping on the couch. She could help but think back on his words. She got off the bed and walked over to the couch and smacked him upside the head and fought back a laugh as he jolted away and sat up looking around frantically before his eyes settled on her getting annoyed.

"I was sleeping, what the hell do you want?" He asked as he glared at her, taking a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes for a moment before he refocused back on her.

"You're gonna get me off. Get undressed and get on the bed. You ain't gonna touch, just lay there and let me do my thing." She commanded as she walked back to the bed and began to undress. She tossed her bra and shirt to the floor as she dropped her jeans and panties to her ankles and stepped out of them.

Tobias couldn't believe what he heard as he chuckled for a moment as he watched her undress. Seeing that same tattoo as her jeans fell, looking at her toned legs and round butt. "Nice of you to put my first initial on your body. So you're my girl right?" He asked in a teasing tone with a hint of asshole. It stirred a small fire inside him. He stood up and undressed himself as he walked past her not saying a word but he would be damned if he followed her commands. She shot him a glare from his comment about her tattoo and being his. "Actually it was my ex-fiance name" she coldly reminded him.

Lemon Warning

Tobias laid on the bed smirking at her as she sat beside him, staring at his abs before focusing on his large thick length. Even soft he was very big. She takes his length in her hand resting on his base only half fit while the rest dangle. She began stroking to his tip as she could hear him fight back a hum. Feeling his member get thicker in her hand as it stiffened. She focused on what she was doing as her hand stroked quickly, she could feel the blood rush under her tight grip as his veins bulged into her palm causing ridges to form as he was now at full hardness. She let out a soft gasp as she never seen nor handled one so big before. Tobias reached out and touched her thighs as she slapped his hands back.

"I said no touching. This is for me not you. Just lay there and do nothing." She said as she straddled and hovered over his pelvis. She positioned his tip against her small tight rims. Tobias could feel her moist softness as he caught back a hum as he felt he push his tip inside. The pressure of her tightness was like none he ever felt before as she lowered herself inch by inch, feeling her walls stretching to compensate for his mass. She was half down and her breath was already ragged as she gasped in pleasure. Tobias placed his hands on her thighs as he gripped them and before she could move them he pushed her all the way down to his base. She cried out as she felt the sudden pressure of him all the way inside her. He filled every inch of her tight walls as they spasm and grew wetter from his dominance even though she wouldn't admit it. She took his hands and moved them off her.

"I said don't fucking touch" she said sternly as she soon began to rock her hips back and forth as she felt him fill and move along each wall as it caused her to moan in pleasure. She threw her head back and closed her eyes as she moved her body like a belly dancer before she spread her thighs more, as she braced her knees against his thighs, as she leaned back and rested her hands on his knees. Bouncing her hips as she rode him roughly like a wild brocho that needed to be tamed. Her body clapping down on his with a dominant roughness as she felt his tip push against her core. Tobias laid there as he felt her control his body as he let out groans of pleasure as she smirked watching her large full boobs bounce in place as he could feel the pressure not being inside her tightness as his veins rubbed her insides. He leaned up and reached out. Cupping her boobs roughly in his palms as he squeezed them, pulling on her perky nipples as he flicked them with his tongue. The sudden attention caused her to gasp in pleasure as she was gonna push him off but he shifted and laid her on her back.

Tobias then began to thrust dominantly as she rode him. Pushing his member as deep as it would go. His hips rocked against hers roughly as she was jolted across the bed. She gasped and moaned with each alpha like thrust as she could feel him taking her over and over again. Her nipples were sensitive and wet inside his mouth as she could feel his hands moving down her sides and across her stomach as they gripped her butt firmly. She could hear the loud sounds their bodies were making as he was now in control of her. Both of the moaning and moving in unison as moments became minutes. She smirked as she quickly flipped him back into his back and turned around as she started to ride him in reverse so he couldn't watch as she took back control.

She leaned forward with her hands on his knees. She rode him roughly, slamming her full weight down on his thighs as he moans out in pleasure. He watched her nice round butt bounce up and down as he reached out and grabbed it, squeezing it firmly as he sat up and kissed up her spin, he then traced her tattoo with the tip of his tongue. This caused a shudder to run up her back as goosebumps formed along her skin, he could hear her whimpers as he continued to touch her back. Good thing about this position was she couldn't stop him.

He groans in pleasure as puts her on her hands and knees while still connected with her. He took her from behind as she gasped and moaned in pleasure. She felt his hands grip her waist as she thrusted passionately and methodically from behind. His pelvis slapped against her butt as he watched her body move instinctively with his. She gave a loud moan as she felt herself give in and spasm around him as she cinched and drenched him in her climax. He felt his run down their thighs as he pulled out and laid her on her back. He felt himself shudder and swell as he stroked and spilled across her stomach and boobs.

Lemon Over

He collapsed beside her as they both panted and huffed from their battle of dominance. She felt fully satisfied as did he. She then punched his arm hard "You didn't have to spray me" she said agitated as she got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower as she cleaned his scent off of her.

He got dressed and laid back on the couch as he smirked to himself. "No but it was a nice touch....I'm the true alpha" he said to himself as he drifted asleep. She came back out and climbed into bed after she got dressed. She laid there with her eyes closed as she sighed. She could still feel him inside her even though they weren't connected anymore. She had to admit he was better than all of the others she had but we would never tell him that.

The next morning Tobias left and got them both breakfast and brought it back and gave her what she ordered. They both acted as if nothing abnormal happened last night. Half way through the meal Esmeray pulled out the paper and handed it to Tobias. "Check it out" she said as she drank her chocolate milk. He took the paper and stared at it as they finished their breakfast.

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