Chapter Sixteen

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Las Vegas, Nevada

Tobias and Esmeray walked down the street as Tobias did what he always did and gave some money to every street musician and performer as Esmeray shook her head. "What?" He asked curiously as they walked side by side down the half empty street.

"Just cause I won last night doesn't mean I'm paying." Said Esmeray with a playful smile across her lips. She also tipped them as well as she also enjoyed the various acts out on the street on this warm quiet morning. "So where are we going for breakfast?" She asked as she wasn't too keen on the restaurants of Vegas.

"TGI Friday's. They have the best breakfast burgers. Cheese the size of hockey pucks." Said Tobias as he made the image with his hands to show her. He was excited to have one and was nervous to be taking her on a date even though he was trying to play it cool at the moment. He then guided her around a few blocks as they finally made it to the restaurant. He opened the door for her as she smiled at him and walked by. He then followed suit and did the same with the secondary door. He then walked up to the hostess and gave her a smile.

"How many are in your party and will it be a booth or table?" She asked with a pleasant smile.

"Party of two and a booth please." He said as she nodded and guided them to the last booth in the back of the room. Tobias held out her chair as she gave him another thank you smile as he sat down in his own chair. 

"Quite the gentleman. Thank you for all of it." Said Esmeray as she looked around the busy lobby before she looked at her menu. She looked up as the waitress came by moments later and took their drink and breakfast orders. Esmeray got the loaded pancakes special with chocolate milk as tobias got the ultra breakfast burger and orange juice. 

Tobias looked around as he noticed the eyes of the couple glinting as they talked to their child and laughed. He got a little tense as he felt Esmeray's hand on his which caused him to look at her.

"Not all supernaturals are monsters. Leave them be they are just having breakfast." She said calmly as Tobias nodded and smiled at her. She was right after all. Soon their food came and she saw he wasn't exaggerating. It really was the size of a hockey puck. They both ate their food happily as it tasted so good. Esmeray smiles at him as she was enjoying the date. Tobias sipped his orange as he reached out and tucked some of her stray hair behind her ear and gently stroked her cheek with his thumb which caused her to blush.

"You're so beautiful when you're not yelling at me." He said as a compliment and joke at the end which got her to laugh some as she blinked softly.

"You're not so bad yourself when you're not being a complete asshole." She teased back as they continued their meal until it was done. 

They got up as Tobias paid for the meal and left a tip as they walked out of the restaurant and back into the street. Tobias reached out and slowly took her hand as he waited to see if she was okay with it. He smiled when he felt her lace their fingers together as they walked side by side. They walked off the strip and onto Mandalay Bay Beach. They walked slowly in the sand enjoying themselves as Esmeray looked over at him. "What was your family like before all this?" She asked as she saw and felt him tense for a moment.

"Well mom and dad were the typical pta type folks who always went to our school games and events. I loved playing baseball and basketball most. Then you have my younger sister Elena. We're only a year apart so we're super close. She is a lot like you. Headstrong, independent, but always loved hanging out with her big brother. Then my parents fucked it all up." He said in a tone which she knew he wouldn't continue at this point in time and she was okay with that.

"Your sister sounds amazing. We will save her you have my word" she said as she gave him a look of reassurance. She then sighed and smiled as they continued to walk together along the sand.

"What about your family?" Tobias asked back as he was curious to learn more about her as well.

"Well I never met my dad. My mom said he had to leave before I was born but she said he was an incredible, loving man. I'm an only child to a single mother but don't stereotype me. We lived in a nice apartment until I graduated highschool and moved her into a house with some money the state gave me when I came of age. The rest you already know" she said with a smile as she thought about her mother for a moment. 

"Have you ever tried to look for your father?" He asked as he wasn't trying to pry but was very curious.

"Once when I was sixteen. But I couldn't find him so I stopped." She replied as she looked over at him as he pulled her into a warm embrace. He looked into her eyes as they inches slowly closer together as their lips touched for the first time. Both of them closed their eyes for a moment as they enjoyed the next few moments.

They pulled back and let out a soft happy sigh. They then spent another hour walking along the beach before they went back to the hotel room and sat on the couch as Tobias took out his USB flash drive and plugged it into the laptop.

"Okay so I went to Reno to visit a demonologist friend of mine. We were able to track down our next target." He started to explain as the screen loaded up all the files Jason had given him.

"Then let's get to work" Esmeray said with a fierce determination as she leaned against Tobias as she soaked in his warmth.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now