Chapter Twenty Nine

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Washington DC
Old Motel

Esmeray and Uriel wanted to get back to Tobias but as they stood up they looked around at all of the carnage Belial and Samael had caused. All of the fallen Jaegers that died for no reason had saddened Esmeray. "I've avenged you." Said Esmeray softly as she spoke a silent prayer for their souls.

"That's nice of you. We should burn the place down if I'm being honest. It would give them the warriors tribunal and it would hide what happened here to the local authorities." Said Uriel with remorse in her voice that so many mortals had to be slaughtered this way.

Esmeray looked at her and contemplated her words. As much as she wanted to hurry back to Tobias she wanted to give her fellow Jaegers a proper burial. She nodded at Uriel as she walked to the kitchen. "You're absolutely right." She said as she turned on all the gas valves on all the stoves as the fumes filled the air. She then grabbed a handful of metal forks, knives, and spoons as she shoved them into both of the microwaves and set it for ten minutes so they had time to leave and get to her car.

She walked back out of the kitchen as she nodded for Uriel to follow her as they walked out of the Riverdale Country Club as they shut double doors and got to her car. They both got in and buckled up before they drove out of the parking lot and towards the motel. When they reached the light at the corner the building of the country club erupted in flames before an unexpected explosion made it crumble and fall into a pile of burning rubble. They could see pedestrians run and scream in horror as they weren't sure what had happened.

They had made it back to the motel parking lot as they parked and walked into an empty motel room. The television was still on but Tobias wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Toby?!" Esmeray called out as she went to the bathroom to see if he was there. "He ain't here." She said as she tried his cell phone but he didn't answer which worried her.

"Malthael was here. I feel his energy. He must have taken Tobias somewhere….but where." Said Uriel as she thought for a moment. "Okay angel lesson time. Close your eyes and concentrate on Tobias. You two are connected. You can feel him then picture us moving through space and time to get to him." Explained Uriel as she placed her hand on Esmeray's shoulder so she could travel with her.

Esmeray closed her eyes and began to concentrate. She began to think of things that reminded her of him. His scent, his touch, and his voice. She could feel a strong ethereal tether form as she could see him in an office of some sorts. She then felt herself be pulled through a rift and reappear at the office with Uriel beside her. They looked around as Esmeray focused her eyes on Tobias. She took a step towards him but felt something was off. His demeanor was different and so was his aura. Combine that with the girl on her knees sobbing it wasn't hard to put together what could have happened while they were fighting the demon brothers. "You must be Elena." Said Esmeray as she beckoned her over. Elena nodded as she walked over there as she stared at Asmodeus.

"She is free to go. I got what I wanted." Said Asmodeus as he chuckled as he enjoyed the sorrow Elena had been displaying.

"He said yes to save me." She said tearfully as Esmeray looked at Uriel.

"Get her out of here.  I'll take care of this." Said Esmeray with a hint of sadness.

Uriel gripped Elena and nodded "Be careful. I'll keep her safe." She said as they vanished from the area.

"Ah little Nephilim what will you do? Can you strike me down while I wear the face of your loved one?" Asmodeus asked tauntingly as he could see the pain in her eyes as the thought of hurting the one man she truly loved.

"Shut the fuck up asshole. You're gonna regret ever stepping foot on my world." She snapped at him as her eyes glowed a bluish white. Radiant holy energy flowed around her as it pulsated from within her.

"It's been eons since I've had a challenge." Said Asmodeus as his eyes glowed a reddish orange. Fire swirling around him as he laughed menacingly.

Both of them began to levitate off the ground as the building rumbled and shook from their massive amounts of energy. Asmodeus extended both hands as he shot a stream of black fire at her. Esmeray put up a hand forming an energy field around her as it absorbed the fire and protected her.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now