Chapter Twenty Two

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Rockville, Maryland

Tobais and Esmeray woke up in each other's arms as they laid there and cuddled for a moment. He kissed her nose softly as he looked into her gorgeous green eyes. They reminded him of emeralds or a green meadow in the woods. He gently and slowly stroked her arm and shoulder. He was quiet and his touch was soft.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked softly as she smiled at him. Her fingers gently brushing through his soft black hair.

"You're just so beautiful. I'm very lucky to have found you" he whispered softly as he never thought in a million years he would be in a relationship with such an incredible woman. He didn't care she was a nephilim she was just Esmeray to him and always will be. "I know we had a rough start but I'm really glad you stuck around." He added as he kissed her chin.

"Aww ain't you sweet. Thank you Toby. Yeah we did have a rough start but I think it made it more fun." She teased as she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the softness of his lips on her skin. She hummed softly as he began to trace her jawline.

"You're welcome Esme. I love you" he whispered softly and heatedly as he kissed under her ear. His fingertips gently grazed her skin as they traced down her forearm and onto her hips as he hummed softly.

"Mmm I love you too." She said quietly under her hums as she loved when he kissed under her ear. Her hand cradled his head in the palm of her hand. She took a deep breath as she took in his scent and that of his axe shower gel.

His lips continued to travel along her jawline and neck as he pressed his body against hers. His hands gripping her hips as they both groaned softly and heatedly in unison. His body instinctively grinding against hers as she wrapped one leg around his waist as she pulled him closer to her. He started to pull on her tank top. Suddenly his cell phone began to ring as he groaned and sighed as neither of them wanted to stop.

"Answer it, it's okay." She said as she huffed a little as she wondered who would be calling him this early in the morning. He rolled over and grabbed his phone and answered it. She could tell by the tone of his voice and his body language that it wasn't a good call.

"Thank you. I understand. I appreciate the phone call. Mmhmm you too. Good bye." He said somberly as he ended the call on his cell phone. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"What's wrong Toby? Who was that? What did they want?" Esmeray asked curiously as she got a bad feel and didn't like it one bit. She placed her hand on his shoulder gently.

He looked back at her with tear filled eyes. "That was….the Reno Police Department…. Jason was found dead. His house was burnt down. Arson to cover up a murder. I was his next of kin." He said as he breathed heavily with grief and sadness. His best friend gone in a blink of an eye, just like that.

"Oh my god Toby I'm so sorry sweetie." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed into his back. She hugged him tightly as she could feel his pain. "Who would want him dead?" She asked.

"Could have been a supernatural or a demon at this point. He was looking into stuff to help me get back my sister when I last saw him." Said Tobias with a sense of defeat. He placed his hands on her arms and leaned against her. He pressed his cheek against hers as he closed his eyes for a moment. She sat there and held him in silence for as long as he needed her to. 

A few quiet moments later his laptop computer chimed with his email notification. He kissed her arm as he got out of her hold and grabbed the laptop and brought it back as they sat on the bed side by side against the headboard. He opened his email and saw he had a new message from none other than Jason. His heart sank as he looked at Esmeray.

"You don't have to open it just yet if you're not ready sweetie." She said comfortingly as she took his hand in hers.

He nodded and sighed softly "Thanks babe but I think I should. Could be important." He said softly as he clicked the email open. There was a video inside and Tobias clicked it to play.

Jason appeared on camera as he started to speak. "If you're watching this then I'm already dead. But I have good news. I've done some deep dives and hacking and found out the source of great evil is in Washington DC. If it ain't Asmodeus then I'd give you my vintage comic books." That line made Tobias chuckles as Jason always loved his comic books. "It seems like he is trying to turn the world against itself. Making deals with various countries. He is also keeping your sister in the secure location near the Washington Monument. I attached some surveillance footage for you to watch later. I wish you luck man. I hope you find your sister. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help you but I just wanna say I have no regrets. You are and always will be my best and truest friend. Godspeed Tobias. You're gonna need it. I'll see you on the other side one day." He said as the recording stopped.

Tobias closed the laptop and took a deep breath as he wiped a couple of small tears from his eyes. He placed it on the nightstand by the bed as he looked over at Esmeray and kissed her forehead before he laid his head onto her shoulder. He couldn't fully grieve the loss of his best friend at the moment but he will get his revenge for him.

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