Chapter Twenty Eight

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Washington DC
Asmodeus's Office

Tobias looked at the fallen angel with disdain in his eyes. "You bastard. Where are Esmeray and Uriel?" He asked as the fallen angel smirked.

"They are indisposed at the moment. But don't worry about them, they will be dead soon. You mortals are so easy to trust. That's your species problem. Always has been and always will be." He said as he stood with a sense of arrogance.

"And you have outlived your usefulness." Said Asmodeus as he smirked and snapped his fingers.

"Wait wha-" said the fallen angel before a surge of energy pulsated through him as he screamed and disintegrated into a pile of ash. Tobias and Elena both watched in horror as Asmodeus was unphased by the screams.

"That's how you instill loyalty huh?" Said Tobias to Asmodeus as he looked at his sister. He wanted to run to her after all this time of searching for her but he knew he couldn't at the moment. "It's okay Elena you'll be free soon." Said Tobias said as he reassured her. She nodded but stayed silent for the moment.

"Yes she could leave here today and I wouldn't harm a single hair on her pretty little head." Said Asmodeus as he looked at Tobias "All you have to do is say yes. You see as compatible as this vessel is, he ain't the destined or perfect one that you are. Let me in and your sisters a free girl. Say no and she goes back to the torture she's been under all this time and I make her my demon bride." He said as he could see the disgust in Tobias's eyes.

"You won't fucking touch her." He snapped as he took a step forward but Asmodeus snapped his fingers as a circle of fire surrounded Elena.

"Let's not get hasty and do something that can't be undone now." He said with a smirk as Tobias stopped dead in his tracks. "That's better." He said as he lowered the fire but kept them around her just to be sure Tobias didn't try anything.

"I ain't gonna doom the world for my own selfish reasons. I could just kill you and free my sister." Said Tobias as he tried to so no fear but in truth he was worried for his sister.

"Oh and pray tell how will you do that? You ain't the baby Nephilim now are you. She's the only one who could back up that threat. So stop with the empty threats and just say yes already. Your world is already doomed with or without you. I have things set in motion that your brain can only dream of." Said Asmodeus as he showed Tobias a vision of what he had planned in his mind.

Tobias shook the vision from his mind "You crazy psychopath!" He exclaimed as he couldn't believe he would do that to their world. The mixture of his words and the vision kinda broke his spirit a little bit but then he began to play a scenario in his head. One that had a one in a million percent chance of succeeding but if anyone could pull it off it would be Esmeray. She could do anything, he had witnessed her miracles time and time again.

"What's the matter cat got your tongue dear boy?" Taunted Asmodeus as he watched Tobias stand there quietly. "You can guarantee your sister's safety in my world just by saying yes right here, right now." He added.

"No Tobias don't do it! I ain't worth it!" Exclaimed Elena as she tried to talk sense into her brother. She would never want him to give up his body and soul just to save her. He had always been there for her and bailed her out of anything she got into. She desperately wanted this to not be one of those times. "Please brother don't do it." She pleaded as she watched their exchange as she knew he would do anything for her.

Tobias looked over at her and smiled softly. "It's okay little sister. I know what I must do. I love you." He said softly as he looked at him and sighed softly. "Asmodeus my answer is....yes." he said much to the despair of Elena. Asmodeus smirked as he walked over to Tobias and extended his hand to him.

"Wise choice boy. Shake my hand and complete the deal." Said Asmodeus as Tobias nodded in compliance and reached out and shook his hand as fire and energy soon swirled around them as Asmodeus merged into Tobias's body. In moments the merger was complete as Asmodeus laughed as he could feel the immense power that came from the Matheson blood. The pact was finally fulfilled. He looked at Elena and smirked Tobias's debonair smirk. "Don't worry a deal is a deal."

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now