Chapter Twenty Four

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Washington DC

Tobias and Esmeray wondered around the dense woods that the two Alphas were last seen as they looked for clues on their whereabouts. It was late at night with the crescent moon high in the clear star filled sky. Both used flashlights to light their path as the moon didn't provide as much light as the sun would have. Esmeray knelt down near some dried blood on the grass as she inspected the area as Tobias kept watch.

"It's about a day old. Too much of it to be a vampire attack so it's gotta be the Alpha werewolf. Which means they gotta be around here somewhere. Maybe a cave formation somewhere." She said getting up as she looked at Tobias as he nodded, he always followed her leads on supernatural creatures as they were her area of expertise.

"Better switch to the Silver Nitrate rounds then." Said Tobias as he grabbed a clip from his backpack and handed it to her. "I'll still to UV rounds just Incase we run into the Vampire Alpha." He suggested as she nodded and switched her ammunition on her gun before they continued going deeper into the dense forest. They walked for another hour or so and soon the sounds of crickets and some owls became like a soft redundant chorus to their ears. "It's getting late should we head back?" He asked as he looked at her with a half smile.

"There's a cabin up ahead. Let's check it out first." Said Esmeray as she pointed to show him as he nodded. They both walked up to the abandoned cabin and looked through the windows to make sure it was clear. As Tobias looked he could have sworn he saw a shape of a human walk quickly past a doorway but as he blinked it was gone.

"There's someone in there. Be careful." He warned as she nodded and opened the door as it made a slow eerie creak. They both stepped inside as they looked around with their flashlight. "Hello?" Tobias had called out as they reached the middle of the room the door behind them slammed shut. They both turned and looked at each other. They then heard children laughing as a medium sized red ball came bouncing down the stairs and hit the wall near them. Tobias then saw the same silhouette and apparition pass through the doorway of the kitchen.

"The air feels very thick in here" said Esmeray as she could see her breath even though it shouldn't be possible with the heat and humidity that was outside.

"We came looking for alphas and wound up in the damn amityville house" referenced Tobias as he knew they weren't gonna get out unless the spirits allowed them to leave. They glanced at each other. "I'll take downstairs you take the upstairs. Be Careful." He said as she nodded and they split up to cover more of the cabin quickly.

Tobias walked into the dark kitchen as he looked around and saw the apparition skitter to a door and phased through it as he heard a low voice "down here."it said "No don't listen." Said another pair of voices as he opened the door and saw old wood rotted stairs leading into a dark abyss of a basement. "Ah hell…..fuck it" he said agaisnt his better judgement as he walked down. As he reached the halfway step a hand reached from under the darkness of the stair and grabbed his ankle causing him to fall and tumble the rest of the way. He looked up as he watched the door slam shut. "Damn. Saw that one coming." He said as he grunts getting back up as he reached for his flashlight as it rolled away from him and began to flicker.

Esmeray walked upstairs as she followed the sounds of the two little girls' laughter. The door at the end of the hall creaked open as the voices grew a tiny bit louder "hurry while he's distracted." The two little girls said in unison. Esmeray could tell the air was a little thinner upstairs at the moment as she walked into the room and saw a group of six little kid spirits and one teenage one. They all looked at her as they flashed between their innocent states and their death states. "What happened to you all? Who's distracted?" Asked Esmeray as she looked at them.

"I'm Thomas. And these are my brothers and sisters. We are stuck here cause he won't let us leave…." He said as he looked at Esmeray "We can only talk right now because he is distracted by your friend. You must stop him. We want to move on to the other side." He said with a thick pleading in his tone. Esmeray nodded as it sickened her what could have possibly been done to them.

"I'll help you. Stay here and let me deal with this. I won't let him corrupt you." She promised as she left the room and went back downstairs as she began to look for his remains.

Tobias walked over to his flashlight and picked it up. "Alright I've seen a few horror movies in my time and yeah dumb of me to follow you but this is the part where you jump scare me and all that so let's just skip the theatrics and you show yourself right now." He said firmly as the basement bulbs began to flicker even with no power before there was a loud scream as a dark silhouette crept closer with each flicker of the light before it revealed itself to him with a sinister smirk. He was dressed in very old clothing, Tobias stared at him for a moment.

"Let's talk, shall we Tobias Matheson." he said in a deep sinister voice. Tobias looked at him a little shocked and uneasy as he shifted from foot to foot.

"How do you know my name?" He asked curiously and surprised. He felt the air down here thicken extremely with negative energy.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now