Chapter Twenty

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Rockville, Maryland

What should have been a four hour drive turned into a ten hour trip thanks to construction closing the freeway to one lane for half the trip and traffic moving very slowly. They made it to Rockville, Maryland as they drove around looking for a nice hotel for a change. They pulled up to the front of The Watergate Hotel. The valet guy then took the key and drove Esmeray's car to the garage and the other handed them a ticket. They walked into the large open lobby and saw people coming and going as they walked to the receptionist desk. "Hi I'd like a room for the with a queen sized bed please." Said Esmeray with a soft smile.

"Okay let me check what's available for ya." Said the cheerful girl behind the counter as she clicked away on her keyboard as she scrolled through their system. "I have one available on the fifth floor. With the weekend rate it will be three hundred and thirty five dollars after taxes." She said smiling at them. 

Esmeray nodded and paid her with some of the cash she got from winning the poker tournament. "Here you go." She said with another smile. The clerk took the money and handed them a key card for their room. Tobias took Esmeray by the hand and walked to the elevator as they rode it up to the fifth floor. They stepped out and walked down the hall to their room and entered it. Locking the door behind them.

Tobias walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist as he held her close to him. He kissed the back of her head softly as he breathed in her scent mixed with the herbal shampoo she liked to use in the shower to wash her hair. "Don't say anything...just feel" he whispered as he pressed his body against her back which earned him a soft groan from her lips as her hands reached behind her and ran through his hair. His hands slowly undressed her body until she stood before him in her beautiful lace lingerie. He gently pushed into the bed as she scooted back into the middle of it. He then slowly undressed himself down to his boxers and climbed into the bed as he rolled his body on top of hers.

Lemon Warning

Tobias kissed Esmeray's lips with a sensual heated passion as his hands slowly traced along her spine as he loved the fabric of her lingerie against his skin. His member aching in his boxers as he got more aroused with each moment that passed. She cooed as she felt him grow against her thighs as her fingers moved through his hair as she kissed him back with as much passion and depth. She had him before but this time was different. She felt different. She knew she wanted him on top of her, she wanted him to make her his and his only. She pressed her thighs against his bulge as she loved how it felt against her lace panties. His body craved hers. His hands wanted to feel every inch of her gorgeous toned body as he never explored anyone other female and always just got what he wanted but with her he wanted to give and touch for the first time in his life. She was his soulmate, his equal, his woman, his love.

He moved his hands sensually up her stomach tracing her belly button before moving up her abdomen as he felt the lace fabric of her bra against his palms as he squeezed her big boobs passionately as she gasped out in heated pleasure as she never let a man touch her like this in a very long time. He could feel her wetness soaking through her panties with each heated grind against her area. No words were being spoken but emotions were exchanged. His hands slowly traced her bra to the back and unhook it as he tossed it aside. He pressed his lips against her large soft mounds as they traced and grazed each of her areolas as he could feel her nipples perk up at the attention. 

She leaned her head back against the bed gripping his head through his hair as he hungrily suckled from each nipple. He grunted and groaned while she gasped and moaned out in pleasure. His hands traveled down her slender curvy body as he pulled her panties off her legs and tossed them and his boxers to the floor. Her legs spread and wrapped around his waist. He gasped in pleasure as he pushed the tip of his throbbing member inside her tight wet walls. She gasped his name out loud in pleasure as she felt him push slowly to his base, she felt his huge thickness spread and stretch her walls farther than any man had ever done before.

He buried his head into her neck as she dug her fingernails into his shoulder blades as he began to thrust deeply and sensually inside her. His body rocked agaisnt her as they moaned and groaned in unison. The headboard tapped against the wall to their rhythmic movement. His hips clapped against hers with each deep strong thrust as he took her over and over again. Her legs locked him into place as she moaned and kissed her shoulder as her nails dug deeper into him. The new strong sensations already had her at her peak as she moaned loudly as she cinched and flooded his member with her climax.

He could feel her drench him as he moans her name loudly. He thrusted through it a few more times intensely as he shook against her as he felt himself release deep inside her walls, spilling into her womb and coated her with his heated seed as she cooed as she tightened herself to milk any remainder of it out of him as they held each other's sweaty bodies close together. He kisses her passionately as their tongues swirled around one anothers. His fingers flowed through her long raven hair as he pulled out of her slowly, giving her his last drops. He soon felt some leak from her as he filled her up.

End Lemon

They hummed and cuddled for a moment as he couldn't believe he just did that inside her. He kissed her soft and slow as she sat up and smiled. "Come on let's go clean up" she said with a tone as he nods and they go into the bathroom to take a hot shower and make love once more as they enjoyed every moment of it together.

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